The kiss

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Tony POV:
me and Nick we're watching TikTok and I kept looking at him ......
I had to keep telling myself:I'm NOT gay ,I'm STRAIGHT ,or ,Don't kiss him ,stop looking at him,stop looking at his lips .And then he turned to face me so I looked away

Nick POV:
I could tell Tony was staring at me so I turned to look at him and he looked away I stared at him and I wanted to kiss him but there is no way he's gay he would never like me ...............WAIT,Im not gay either .i slapped myself

Tony:Did u just slap urself

Nick/me:uhhh ..........yyyyy.......eesssssss...... yes

Thomas POV:
I noticed Tony Nick and Ondreaz we're gone so I went upstairs to look for them I walked in on Tony and Nick watching TikTok together

Thomas POV:I noticed Tony Nick and Ondreaz we're gone so I went upstairs to look for them I walked in on Tony and Nick watching TikTok together

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Thomas :Uhhhhh why are u in the bed together

Tony:we're watching TikTok

Nick :yyyyeah what he said

So I (Thomas) left the room

Ondreaz POV:
I decided to go check on tony so I walked in our room and he was cuddled up with Nick watching TikTok

Ondreaz/me:what are u doing in bed together!!!
Tony and Nick moved away from each other real quick

Tony :UHHHH just watching TikTok!!!!(he started sweating and getting nervous)


Ondreaz:ok that better have been all that was because being gay is a sin!!!

Tony :Shutup and leave !!


Tony :whatever

Nick :well we can still watch a movie together just the three of us


Ondreaz:Ok I'm good with that

(They were watching the movie and then there was a jump scare and Nick jumped into nicks lap and Nick just stayed there )

Tony:So u like sitting in my lap (he widowers so Ondreaz would not hear)

Nick :Yeah I guess
(Nick started to move around to get comfortable on Tony's lap)

Tony:Stop moving around

Nick :Why

(Tony looks down at his pants and then Nick new what he was talking about)

Ondreaz looked over and saw Tony and Nick,"GUYS!!!!!", Ondreaz said

Tony :What ?

Ondreaz:Why is he in ur lap!!!

Tony :he got scared .

Nick :Yeah a-and I-i jumped in h-h-his l-l-l-lap

Ondreaz:Why are u stuttering


Tony:leave him alone Ondreaz

Ondreaz:Whatever I'm gonna go get snacks

Tony :ok cya

Nick looked at Tony and kissed him on the lips

Nick:OMG I-I -I'm s-so s-s-sorry
I didn't mean t-to

Tony leans in and kisses Nick again

Tony:Trust me it's ok

Tony :Wait Ondreaz will be so disappointed


Tony :we grew up with people telling us being gay is a sin and they told us that every fricking second of the day

Nick:I'm so sorry

Ondreaz walks in

Nick:well I'm gonna go to bed

Tony:u s-su-u-ure

Nick -yeah goodnight lov—...I mean cya later

Tony :u too

Ondreaz:Why did u not want him to leave ?!

Tony:Because he's my best friend


(Real quick just know Tony and Ondreaz grew up in a place we're people told them being gay is a sin all the time)

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