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Tony's POV:
I asked Thomas if we could meet the members and he said yes but first to go lay our bags down in our room

When we were walking inside I saw everyone except Nick and I wondered were he was .We we're walking tworads the stairs and then Nick ran down the stairs grabbed chips and went back to his room

We sat our bags in our room and Thomas said it's time to eat

I was exited to eat with everyone but ever since what I said I'm the car Ondreaz hasn't talked to me .We went down to get food and when we were walking in the kitchen I ran into Nick and I fell on top of him and I stared into his beautiful eyes for a couple of seconds but then he started to move so I got up off of him. I really just wanted to kiss him and at this point idk if I'm gay or if this is just something weird going on

We got done eating and went to the pool and Nick asked if I wanted to make a TikTok with him and I shouted :YESSSSSS!! And then I realized I shouted that out loud .He said OOOOOKKKKK!! Just to joke with me . We made a TikTok and posted it on both of our accounts

The Thomas said :Who wants to watch a movie??!!!

Everybody rushed inside and started to get into comfy clothes and I asked if it was ok to take a shower first and Thomas said yes but I have to take a shower in the main bathroom because the on in my room was broken so I went to take a shower and I stopped in my bedroom and lay down for a minute and I fell asleep

I was in the shower and I saw the door open and it was Nick he walked in and when he saw me he just stood there for a second and then he said :uh uhhhhhhh uhhh uh uhhh ............I'm so sorry and he starts to leave but I grab him by the hand and pull him in the shower with me and I lean in to kiss him but then Ondreaz walks in and before he could see Nick I covered him with a towel and then Ondreaz sees me in th shower and says oooh sorry and walks out and when Ondreaz leaves Nick stands up and I lean in to kiss him and he kisses me Bach and then ,I wake up and realized  it was just a dream
and then I went downstairs and Thomas said uhh it didn't look like u took a shower and I said I fell asleep on my bed before I got in

Thomas :Ok well let's watch the movie
Everyone runs to the living room and sits down I sit next to Nick obviously and he says :I didn't get to properly introduce myself earlier. And then he said:Hi I'm Nick. And I said :I'm Tony
nice to meet u

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