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Dallon was in some random over hyped restaurant, waiting on a friend to discuss a drug deal. He picks at his nails, boredom taking over. Nothing to do but wait. Dallon wasn't a waiting type of guy. He had so much to do and so little time, wasting it was not a good start in this state.

However he quickly becomes annoyed at the fly buzzing around him. He couldn't seem to have one moment of peace, could he?

Sighing, he does what any sane person would and squishes it between a napkin.

Unaware of the now angered brunette, Dallon goes about his night. That was until he noticed the boy storming to his table with so much confidence Dallon was sure a needle would make him deflate into a crying balloon. What an imbecile.

"W-You just ended that flys life!" The pipsqueak voice didn't surprise Dallon. The older glanced up at the boy, eyes duller than the kind of winter blue you'd see frosting your windows. He examined the not so tough man.

Brown eyes, a shy sparkle leaving them as readable as a book. Shoulder length hair cut oddly, giving him some what of a frizz to his curly hair. Blue tux, socks rolled down, his tie looking as if a child tried making a bracelet. —Failing, of course. Thin lips and eyebrows, contrasting with his button nose.

Dallon rolled his eyes. "I don't have time to deal with idiots. What do you want from me?" Dallon seemed satisfied with Ryan's loss for words. Left him speechless in two sentences. What a power he held.

"Just as I thought. You came here to bother me. I suggest you leave before that fly isn't the only victim here."

Just as the weird man stormed over, he stormed back to his table. Dallon shook his head, taking a sip of his wine.


However, no matter the grossest of wine, or the darkest of fly blood, the bluest of tuxedos, or the stupidest of brunettes, Dallon would admit he took interest to the red faced embarrassed, annoying boy.

Word count-349
I'm already happy I decided to edit this :'7

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