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Jimin hated this whole mess, he wasn't even sure what to believe anymore.

Jungkook did change his ways after all, and he doesn't think the boy would choose to go back to being an ass.

I mean maybe Cas forced herself on the brunette? She's the definitely the type of person who would do that, specially when it comes to getting what she wants.

Jimin only saw it all from his point of view, behind the bush. He could only see Jungkook's backside from where he hid, not really being able to see his face either.

Maybe Jungkook was shocked and reacted late? And he pushed her away right after he'd ran off?

He made his own speculations, though he didn't really see much of the exchange between the two. He'd quickly ran away after he'd seen they were kissing, calling his mother to pick him up.

So he won't think so badly about the boy, he can't just jump to conclusions without hearing the boy's story. He's sure he'd just misinterpreted the situation, he knows he can trust him.

Yes, Jungkook used to be a real ass, but he's changed, that's not who he is anymore.

Jimin's mom reassured him that it was all most likely a misunderstanding, and her word is practically law,

But he can't help but think,

what if she's wrong?


Thankfully said boy wasn't at school on friday, Jimin was not ready to face the boy just yet. He knows he will have to confront him eventually, but that wasn't today.

And he's not sure what side to take either,

Should he believe what he'd seen was wrong or should he just go with what he'd made the situation out to be?

He's not sure yet, but he doesn't want to dwell on it too much.

His whole Saturday consisted of binge watching his favorite show on Netflix with his mom and dad, Jihyun and Taehyung out on a date.

It was fun, a perfect lazy day where he could forget everything. All he did was eat, sleep, and lay on his couch watching stranger things.

It really did help him forget his mess of a love life, though he will admit his heart felt empty. There's an empty void that only Jungkook could fill, he really does miss the boy. The younger boy was always over, a day never went a day without him stopping by.

But he still does not feel like talking to him, if anything he's trying to forget him. Maybe the boy had gone back to his old self, he hopes not but he can't say for sure.



"So chim," Jimin shot up at the call of his name.

"How about we skip school on Monday? Let's have fun, let's try and forget your love life for a while." Taehyung said, taking a quick sip out of his iced coffee as he waited on Jimin's answer.

"Yeah sure, sounds like fun Tae. I just have to convince my mom to let me stay home, which might be a little bit difficult." His parents are very understanding, they don't really mind the stupid shit he does, but skipping school on a day that he's perfectly healthy is a big no-no. The one thing his parents are extremely religious of is school, Jimin being on his death bed might be the only exception.

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