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It was finally monday, the weekend felt never ending.

Jimin didn't really feel like dealing with all the teasing he would receive from his parents just yet, though he would eventually have to but that wasn't today or tomorrow.

He actually managed to avoid all topics surrounding Jungkook for the whole weekend, two whole freaking days, though it posed to be a bit difficult.

And yes, he also ended up needing his younger brother's help. Though Jihyun didn't work for free and according to him his services were pretty expensive. So Jimin had to write him a letter about how much of a great person he was and worst of all, give him half of his chocolate from his secret candy stash.

But his brother did a pretty decent job, and he did keep his word. He was able to keep their parents busy for a while, that is until monday.

Jimin's whole day went by all right, he helped student council put up some posters for the dance and he got to hang out with his friends at lunch. It was all pretty fun, and he did end up receiving two confessions. He told both of them that he wasn't interested. And both boys did say it was okay, so they remained as friends.

Then during his last period, aka science, his teacher made a pretty good suggestion. Since Jimin's tutoring Jungkook and all, he'd decided it would be a very good decision for Jungkook to move to his class period.

The pink haired boy of course said yes, he was so incredibly happy, and he hardly payed attention for the rest of class.

He was too focused on other things, one being that he'll now be able to see Jungkook more often.

Jungkook wasn't in any of his classes this year, or in any previous year's, but maybe now he'll be able to spend more time with the boy.

Jimin being thrilled about Mr. Poryer's decision is an understatement really, how he feels can't be expressed with mere words.

Being in his favorite class with the boy he likes does make him nervous, but the excitement outshines it all.

He couldn't help but grin like an idiot.


Jimin didn't really expect Jungkook to have already been in the library, sipping on his banana milk.

He expected the boy to at least be 15 minutes late again. But to his delight, Jungkook was early.

"Hey Jimin. " The taller boy waved his hand excitedly as Jimin took a seat across from his.

"Um hey Jungkook." Jimin said, still a bit surprised. He sent the boy a sweet smile, getting his textbooks out of his backpack to begin.

They got a lot done in their hour together, they even came up with a good tutoring schedule. Mondays were for science, Tuesdays for math, and Fridays for history.

They both bid their goodbyes as things came to an end, going their separate ways.


Jimin rummaged through his backpack looking for his keys, but he wasn't very successful. It seemed like he'd lost them but he's sure he'd seen them in there earlier when putting his stuff away.

Weirdly enough, Jihyun opened the door for him, a rather unusually nice act of Jihyun.

His brother signaled him to come in with a smile on his face, he knew there was something up now which rather put him on edge.

He was going upstairs to his room, but was stopped by his mother. He knew he wasn't going to be able to escape what awaited him.

"Jimin we are going to have a family meeting today. So no Taehyung or locking yourself up in your room today, understood?" His mom said trying to be as nonchalant as she possibly could.

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