Atlanta, Georgia - Chapter 1

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"Should I wear bell bottoms or a skirt?" My little cousin, Shakayla, asked me as she held up a pair of bright white bell bottom pants and then a rust colored corduroy skirt. I fully inspected both articles of clothing before picking the skirt.

"Rust is your color." I shrug with a lazy smile, and she nods as she puts it into her overnight bag along with a black short sleeve bodysuit and some thigh high black boots. I decided on a pair of light-washed high waisted bellbottom jeans and a white long-sleeved crop top with dangles on the sleeves. I lay the articles of clothing out on my bed to figure out which pair of shoes I should wear, and decided on some brown sandals since you couldn't really see my feet anyway and also I am tall as hell already.

"And you said that you weren't getting all dressed up." I hear Shakayla mock my outfit, and I roll my eyes.

"I ain't girl, this just something slight. Why would I dress up for someone I don't even know. I don't even listen to his music." I argue as I look down at my phone to scroll through instagram, and she chuckled.

"You'll like him by the end of the night, I promise. Just don't be on the phone the whole night because he might call you out for it since we're literally in nosebleeds."

I look up from my phone and scoff at her statement, and sneered, "He don't pay for no bill round here. What he gone do, be rude about it?"

"No, he's actually really sweet. He'll probably make a joke about it." She chuckles to herself, and I roll my eyes at her adoration with this man. I honestly don't understand what she's so fascinated with about him. I mean, probably the only thing that caught my eye was an article about how he supports the BLM movement and how he has the sticker on his guitar, but other than that I didn't really care for him.

"You ready to go to the hotel KayKay?" I asked her, and she responded with a quick 'Yes' and we were off to Atlanta.


"Do you think that any of these people have noticed the mark on their tickets yet?" I ask Gemma nervously, and she sighs as she gives me an annoyed look.

"Harry, you literally have until, like, next summer for it to be revealed. I'm pretty sure nobody has the slightest idea of your little plan."

"You're right. Hey, maybe my future wife is out there in the crowd tomorrow night." I grin, and she rolls her eyes.

"Just don't get hurt Harold. I don't want to have to scrap with another girl you hear?" She ruffles my hair, and gets up to go to the back of the tour bus.

I honestly didn't think it was a good idea to do this at first, but management talked me into it and made it seem more and more appealing every time they mentioned it. I just don't want to run out of time and not be able to have children, or worse, be with a very young girl.

Here was the gameplay: My team would pick five tickets to make a mark on that was metallic and not able to be erased or discarded and if so, then it would have been a fake. Then, I would fly them out to one of my houses in Cali to film this show. They wanted to call it Love After Tour, and I just went along with it. Then after 4 weeks one girl every week is eliminated and there is one left and bingo she and I are going to date for a while and then get married.

It was kinda bizarre to me at first because I didn't want my fans to feel as if I was objectifying women and such, but I'd figure that they'd love it as well.

I  just can't wait to see how it goes.


"Wake up, Kayla. We gotta be there in an hour." I yell at her as I go back to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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