"Don't say that," you wandered over to the cabinet by the fridge, taking a tea bag of your preference and putting it in one of the mugs. "Just because I'm in a sling doesn't mean you don't have the right to be a little on edge." You heard him sigh. He continued to stare at the tea pot. You felt for a moment like he didn't even want to look at you. You came back to where you were standing before, this time leaning a little bit into him. You smiled as you saw his face heat up, his gaze finally breaking with the tea pot and turning to look at you.

"E-excuse me." he grumbled.


"You're in my space."

"Why are you so tense?"

Bede huffed. "How are you so calm about all this?" 

You let yourself melt a little further into him, feeling him almost relax under your movement. He continued.

"You've just been so matter of fact and positive since this morning. Doesn't being attacked by Zoroark bother you?" He asked it quietly, so the little ones wouldn't hear. "Aren't you a little scared that she's still out there?"

"Of course I am." You hushed, looking at the floor. "I've just been trying my best to not think about it too much. I just got out of the hospital, and I'm trying to recover before I go stressing out about it." 

You two sat in silence for a moment, both of you moving your gaze to the teapot which was now starting to spit steam.

"I miss her." You found yourself saying in the silence. "I wish she were here...she loves tea,"

Bede said nothing, instead glancing over at the tea-bag you had plopped into your mug a minute ago without thinking. It was a green tea bag. The kind you usually shared with Zoroark, but mostly let her drink as you weren't the biggest fan. Another long exhale left him, the tea pot starting to whistle.

"You sure you want that tea?" he asked, shutting the burner off. 

"What? Oh..." the realization hit you slowly, but you nodded your head. "Y-yeah. I like this kind."


The afternoon sunlight glistened down softly onto the ruins in the Slumbering Weald. It was quiet again, tranquil and almost somber, as if the environment around had taken on from the events of only a day ago. Kicked up dirt and claw marks in the earth still littered the area, and there was still a faint blood trail fading back off into the woods. As the wind kicked up again, a new character found his way up to the ruins. He slowly strolled up the path, looking down at the mess that followed him and vanished into the stream. 

"Hmm. Something happened here." He mused, mainly eyeing the blood trail. He came to the temporary conclusion that it had been a fierce pokemon on pokemon battle here in these woods, but upon closer inspection, he could see differently. Clear footprints from a pair of shoes had slid up the side of the stream trying to find their way up and out of the water. But no, that couldn't be right. Pokemon didn't just attack people, did they? Not that he had ever seen. 

The man crouched beside the stream, inspecting the claw marks left in the dirt. He couldn't draw a single pokemon from these marks, but they sure looked familiar to him. He just couldn't seem to place it. 

From a short distance away, a low howl started to fill the air. It came up and droned on for a long few seconds before dying back down again, being covered by the sounds of the stream in front of him. The man knew it as none other than his traveling companion, maybe getting a little impatient at how long it was taking for him to check out the ruins he had stumbled upon on his journey. He chuckled. 

"I know, I know." He called back to the cries. "Surely you've had to wait longer before. I won't be holding you much longer." He stood back up again and trudged his way over to the ruins themselves, taking in the way the sunlight broke through the trees and glistened beautifully off the water. 

"I can't believe I've never been here before." he thought out loud. "This place is stunning. So full of life. It's crawling all around me, I can feel it." 

And for as great as looking at the ruins made him feel, he could only turn around again to see the mess. A blemish on an otherwise perfect setting. Everything seemed to be at peace, except for whatever had happened there. Something was wrong. And he knew this wasn't a normal attack. Normally, coming across something like this, he would leave it be. But this was the worst he'd ever seen. 

He trudged back forward again, his light green hair tossing slightly at his sudden movement and resting on his back. He almost speed walked back into the woods, reaching his companion who was waiting for him right where they had landed some time ago to rest. The white beast growled at seeing him again, standing itself back up again and craning its neck down to see him closer. 

"I like it here, Reshiram." he said, bringing up his hands and holding the beast's cheek and neck as it had lowered his head to him. "I think I might stay here a while. You can go if you'd like. You come find me if you need anything."

The white dragon seemed to purr softly, tilting its head. He wondered for a moment why this man that had only merely stopped in this region to stretch his legs suddenly wanted to stay. But Reshiram knew this man had never wronged him before. The green haired man could see the questioning look in Reshiram's eyes and only smiled in response.

"You go have yourself some fun. I'll only be a couple days." he reaffirmed, stepping back. Reshiram sat back up again and lifted its majestic wings to the air. With a whoosh and a warm blast of air, the white beast had soared up and across the sky, vanishing with a rumble off into the distance. The man turned back around again and chucked softly to himself. No pokemon at hand, no map, and no people that he knew in this region, he was more ready than ever to start poking around at this odd occurrence. 

It was time for N to go investigate.

In Your Head; A Pokemon Sword and Shield TaleWhere stories live. Discover now