The lion came padding up onto the veranda, and the spotted cat turned to face it. Claire held her breath, waiting for the charge and flurry of teeth and claws. But it did not come. The two beasts advanced towards each other, stood for a moment gazing into one another's faces, and then slowly touched noses.

"Leo?" said Claire. "It's one of Mamba's daimons—chase it away!"

Leo looked at her with his lion's eyes. "It's not an enemy. Van Buren spoke the truth, at least in part. This is Nick's own familiar: the guardian daimon who has chosen to watch over him, even as I watch over you. The boy doesn't know him—he has been taught by Mamba from an early age to reject his own daimon. But the familiar knows him, and still wants to help him."

"You're sure? It could be lying to you. Trying some kind of trick."

"I think not. This daimon has opened his mind to me, and there is not a shadow of deception in it. Mamba does not control Nick's thoughts. He may seek to turn the boy away from his familiar, but he cannot prevent the familiar from reaching out to Nick. Tell him to open the door and let his daimon in."

Van Buren was arguing with Nick. "Do you remember your lessons, Nicholas? Did I not teach you that the so-called familiar is evil? It stands at the door of your mind, barring your way into the daimon realm—and preventing others from entering your mind, others who might do you good. It could not stop me from entering, however, for you left a small gap in your defences for me to get through—and that means you want me here, that you still love me and trust me."

"No! Don't listen to him!" urged Claire.

The boy looked from one to the other in an agony of indecision.

"Nick, I don't want to make things even harder for you," said Claire. "But I promise you I won't let you come to harm. That's why I'm here. You saw me with the lion. That's my familiar, Leo—he's my best friend, who only wants me to be happy and find my destiny in life. Your own familiar is the same. You can go to him, Nick. He won't hurt you."

"He hurt your parents," said van Buren. "He sent a leopard to destroy them."

"Liar! That was Phobetor!" cried Claire. "And you knew all about it!"

"The daimon familiar is your enemy," said van Buren to the boy, ignoring Claire. "The watcher on the threshold, the obstacle to your freedom and independence. He has come again in a leopard's form, to terrify you and keep you prisoner. Resist him, Nick. Send him away forever. Don't listen to the Norton girl. You know she hates you, and wants you to be destroyed. Go on—banish them both from this place, your inner sanctum. You can do it: you have that power."

"I'm—afraid," said Nick.

Claire pounced. "Yes, that's it—Klaus wants you to be afraid, so you won't ever leave here. And meantime, in the real world you'll die—"

"Close the door!" said van Buren. "Close it, Nick, and the Watcher will give up trying to frighten you and go away. Then when it has left you can come and go as you please, in this place that is yours alone."

Slowly Nick advanced towards the door, his face white and his dark eyes huge with fear. He laid his hand on the doorknob, and then paused.

"What are you waiting for?" said van Buren, his mask of patience beginning to slip. "Close the door, boy, and you'll be safe."

Nick still stood motionless. "It's not a leopard," he said. "I can see it from here." He released the knob, took one tentative step forward. Claire started to say something, then closed her mouth again, afraid to interfere.

"What are you saying?" van Buren demanded.

"It's not a leopard, it's a cheetah." The boy stared out the screen door at the lean, spotted beast that stood on the veranda. It gazed back at him with steady golden eyes. "It's Charlie," he whispered.

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