Chapter 3

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Claire felt utterly exhausted when she got home. She dumped her backpack on the floor of her room and flung herself face down on her bed. She was too tired even to discuss the day's events with Leo. When her father came home she would have to get up and put on a show of normality again, but for now she could just surrender to her exhaustion.

The kitten jumped onto her bed and snuggled beside her. "That was an unpleasant encounter," said Leo in her mind.

"Oh, you saw it, did you?" Likely he'd been linked to a squirrel or sparrow or some other small animal at the scene. "What am I going to do about him? Nick, I mean?"

Leo said, "I'm curious to know how that young man ended up in the keeping of Klaus van Buren. Why did Klaus adopt him? You told me that at the Dark Circle meeting you attended Nick claimed he was a revenant."

Claire frowned, remembering. "Yes, that's right. But he didn't talk about it a whole lot. He was kind of sulky that evening—because I was there, I think. But Klaus said Nick used to be a witch hunter in his former life, in the Middle Ages." 

"Yes, that's interesting. I am wondering, though, if that bit about the 'Middle Ages ' might not be a red herring. Something intended to throw us off the scent."

"Why do you say that?"

"Here's a thought: could Nick perhaps be Anthony King himself? It surely can't be mere coincidence that brought Klaus and another reincarnated witch hunter together in the same time and country. Remember what Klaus said about Nick, through the crow? 'Anthony always craved power. So we give him what he wants. For now. Easier, then, for you to use him again.' He might merely have been comparing Nick with King— but why did Klaus say 'use him again.' ? That choice of wording can only mean that King has actually returned in a new body. Is that why Klaus and Phobetor are both so confident that the boy can be possessed—because he's the very same person Phobetor used once before ? Will they use him to harm you once again?"

Claire frowned. "If Nick is Anthony King you'd think he'd have learned from his past mistakes. After all, he ended up getting executed in Scotland!"

"Except revenants, as you know from your own experience, don't remember everything. If Nick is King, he may have no memory of Phobetor possessing him in his last life. If so, he risks repeating his past and losing himself once more. This is only a theory, but it would explain Nick's role in this affair - something that's been puzzling me."

"As I recall, Klaus-Morley-Mamba said that Nick was there to attract girls to the coven—so they could get the word out to teens in this area, and find me."

"But why Nick in particular? And why choose a revenant when any attractive-looking male would do? None of this is logical, and Mamba and Phobetor do nothing without a reason." Leo was silent for a time, apparently pondering this, and Claire too sat quietly so as not to interfere with his train of thought. At last the daimon spoke again. "Here's my theory, and you can tell me what you think. At an early age the boy Nicholas, reincarnated witch hunter and accomplice of our enemies, recalled part of his former existence, and Klaus van Buren somehow came to hear of it. Recognizing the memories of Anthony King from his own previous life as Edward Morley, Klaus decided King must have reincarnated in order to assist him and Phobetor once again. But the boy couldn't recall all of his past life—and anyway his parents were in the way. They were raising Nicholas with their own values, which might possibly change his course in life: he might come to reject his violent past and his former partners in crime. So his mother and father had to be eliminated as quickly as possible."

Claire sat up. "The leopard! Do you think van Buren and Phobetor were responsible for the leopard attack that killed Nick's parents?"

"Why not? Leopards have been known to kill human beings, it's true. The famous man-eater of Rudraprayag killed scores of Indian villagers. But it is very convenient."

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