That day brittany did not able to do her work. Her heart was not in work. She wanted to see that guy message again but nothing happened that day. No reply from his end. Even no reply from him for few weeks. She completely forgotten about that guy in these past few weeks, because she has to do lot of things in her life. And the day arrived when the guy saw her hi from her side, he replied back but brit's was offline this time. He got a confidence that opposite person reading his messages but due to timing coordination they are not able to get in touch on same time. So he thought ask her cell no. , but no that does not sound brilliant. he just left a small note to her... . hie! Ms. My name is Justin i have been seeing your msgs since couple of weeks. I really liked your opinion on each story. I know what you must be thinking that I am a stalker that followed you in all stories comment sections, please do not take me wrongly I do not wanted to text you on each comment , I controlled myself so much not to comments on your comments. but what could I do, I could not control it because you wrote each comment very beautifully that my fingers typed all these words by it own and sent it to u. If you think I am worth it to chat with you so let's see you tomorrow evening at 9pm at same comment section. Just drop hi who ever appears online first. cya take care..

Eventually brittany saw his messages. she got bright smile on her face. She was beaming from delight, her heart was dancing like anything. She was too excited for eve as it seems she is going on her date physically. Eventually time arrived. She turned on the laptop and reached to that same comment page where Justin had left a note for her.
(as Justin said whoever reach first on comment page that person will send a hi!)she reached first and send a hi
how are you?Justin's message flashed on screen. Justin was already online waiting her to reply first. (There was an endless joy floated in brittany's heart. she lite up from delight.
" I am doing good how are you and thank you for beautiful words you had wrote for me"
" Nope, no need to thank me I did not wrote those words those words just popped up automatically even I did not realised that I have these thoughts for you in my mind, but one thing is cleared you have very good sense of humor , I really liked that" said Justin. These guys exchanged there thoughts ,opinions , laugh, joy . In between justin asked brit's email address he did not wanted to rush to ask her's cell no. As we all knows how much girls are finicky to share theirs personal details. Justin was quiet smart enough. he knew how to talk to girls and how to handle situations. brit liked the way he chatted with her, brit was not lesser smarter than Justin but as we all know Brit had a lonely life she never chatted with anyone since very long and she never had shared so beautiful moments with anyone. So that is the first reason brit liked Justin and the especially she liked the way he chatted with her, throughout the conversation Justin seemed very calmed and well mannered boy. She thought there is no harm to share her an email address at all, still there was a hesitation somewhere , she wanted to give a try this long distance friendship. There was something which was holding her back, when Justin did not got her reply he understood this girl got stuck in between yes and no. Most of the time we all get stuck in between these 2 words but as all we know, we have to choose any one choice either yes or no. Justin took a smart step and wrote. "hey! no worries I do not want to force you give me your an email address either it's doesn't seem appropriate asking your email address in public comment page. This is not smart idea. I do one think I give you my facebook account id. If you feel like sending me a friend request then I will be grateful. He ended up the chat sharing his facebook Id.Nice talking to you, take care. Justin".

Brit did not taken Justin words too seriously but at late night she was unable to sleep. she was kept tossing on her bed here and there. All time she was thinking about Justin's facebook Id.

She thought there is no harm to visit and see his profile it is not necessary that I have to add him in my Fabcebook account. She got up from her bed ,opened laptop , opened his facebook account and saw his display picture. Justin was too handsome like she did not expected he could be that good looking guy with brilliant brain.

She did not sent him friends request on Fabook, an other side Justin was waiting Britt's friend request very desperately. 3 days still there was no hi and hello from Brittany side to Justin on facebook . Justin lost a hope. He was thinking she doesn't want to increase closeness with him. There Brit was constantly commenting on the comment pages but there wasn't any reply coming from him. Seeing this she send a message on facebook messenger to him but still no reply from justin. Her discomfort started growing more, different different thoughts started to appear in her mind. She started cursing herself as the time started passing now, it is been 24 hours still there was no reply from justin account not even he accepted her friend request. Brit started losing a hope that she lost him, lost that guy who made her anxious for no reason. She is anxious for the guy that she never have meet, never talked not even she don't have his personal details. She only knew him as a comment chatter. Those his said compliments started rotating inside her mind . Tear trailed down on her cheeks as time moving ahead. There was no sign of his reply.

Few days after she got message from Justin.. hey! Thanks sending me a message. I had totally lost a hope you will send me friend request on facebook when I did not got your message on that day. I am lucky i got your message eventually. Sorry i could not responded to your message due to office work load. I was on tour for few weeks related to my work. " how are you?asked justin... like this these both of them started involving in each other's life so deeply. they started chat every day, nights then these days and nights turned into weeks. they shared lot of good thoughts, opinions, talked about there works. brit even did not realized how much she got use to of justin. Messaging justin when her eyes open in the morning. Justin is not only name for her now he became her's part of life. Her days does not complete by justin. She so got use to seeing his messages every day. He's just a single message bring joy on her face, spread beautiful smile on her face. These chats turned into video cal. Then one day justin asked her to meet up physically. He does not wanted to spend more time on chats, calls and video calls he wanted to take this friendship into the next level . They are friendly enough to meet now. Brit also ready to meet him. She always dreamt of prince in her life who could make her laugh, talk and give her love. She was seeing all these qualities in Justin. even she could not wait to meet him up. when justin asked her to meet without wasting a time she said yes. Next day she woke up early in the morning in excitement. She is going to see her prince charming face to face. Her day is totally brighten up. It was tough for her to wait till evening she could not held her excitement back . Somehow she controlled herself and awaited for evening to come. She dresses up very elegantly and went to the spot that Justin had already fixed to meet. They planned to meet in a public park. justin wanted to keep his first date very normal and simple. They were online friends since very long time . He never told brit what feelings Justin had developed for her in these past few months. He wanted to surprise brit by propose her on their first meeting. Brit also liked justin but she always had a fear if she will tell Justin what she feels for him so might be their friendship will get sour if Justin does not have same feelings for her. She does not wanted to get rejected by him therefore she hid her feelings from Justin. She's happy that she is about to see him for real .There were something new excitements were arising in Brit's heart.

Finally the time came when they both of them are going to see each other face to face. Brit reached the park.
She already saw Justin it was really easy for her to recognise him. She moved little bit more and there she saw a guy sitting on a beach , with beautifully bouquet in hands. Brittany walked in, Justin eyes landed on Brittany and a beautiful smile spread on Justin's lips he did not expected
Brittany could be that beautiful girl. after sharing some conversation Justin pulled out a propose ring from his pocket and knelt down and proposed her. It was a dream come true for Brittany. She never think of this. She said yes and like this these online love birds became a real love birds. Then after they never looked back.

(Finally I have done with complete story I hope you guys have enjoyed and do not forget to leave your comments in comment box. Thank you all.

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