I'll let you down

Start from the beginning

Mickey: where are you?

Mickey: text me back this isn't funny

He couldn't get too emotional in his texts, because if something happened to Ian, if someone was on his phone and read those texts, they couldn't get suspicious of their relationship too.

Evening rolled around, he called Ian before going to dinner, no one picked up, he tried a second time and Ian's phone was dead. Mickey ran his hands through his hair, this wasn't good... this wasn't good.

He slowly went to dinner with his family, his hands were shaking. During the meal Mandy talked about her boyfriend, Mickey looked at his brothers and his father, as if they would tell him where Ian was when he looked at them long enough.

Mickey's eyes eventually fell to Terry's knuckles... bruised up knuckles.
He had beaten someone recently... Mickey's heart beat went faster.
Did he beat Ian?

"What are you looking at, boy?"
"Nothing", Mickey quickly said and looked away.

"You're just overreacting, Ian is fine", he said to himself later when he was back in his room, "He is fine, he is fine, he is fine", he wished he had his drugs, he needed something to calm his nerves.

He went to bed around midnight and couldn't find any sleep.
Eventually he texted Sandy

Mick: could you ask Ian's sister if she heard from him? He doesn't answer his phone


The next morning started with an answer from Sandy.

Sandy: she hasn't heard from him, but worries about him

Sandy: He said he wanted to quit his job and since then he is gone

Mickey had bitten his fingernails down and his lip bloody. When there weren't any news once it was after noon, Mickey couldn't take it anymore.

He walked down the hallways to Field's old office and went in without knocking, expecting Iggy to sit in Field's old chair. But there sat another man, he belonged to the security staff, but he didn't know his name.

"Who are you?", Mickey asked.
"Archie Hughes, Sir", he said.
"Are you new head of security? I thought Iggy took the job"
"He did, Sir. But he has to guard a prisoner, your father's orders."
"Prisoner?", Mickey swallowed hard, he could feel his heart beating through his chest.

"Yes, Sir. A former security-"
Mickey didn't need to hear more, he left the office again and walked down to one of Terry's torture rooms. He was so in shock, he walked terribly slow. His whole body put up a fight against going there.

He found Iggy standing in front of a room with a heavy door.
"Mickey, what are you doing here?"

Mickey stared at the door, "It's Ian, isn't it?"
"Mickey, leave, come on, you get a new security detail."
"Why is he here, he isn't supposed to be here. He just wanted to quit."
"Quit? Don't know anything about that, bud, but dad said he's a snitch. As far as I know he's gonna go to the court room tomorrow."
"He isn't a snitch, he didn't do anything"
"Sorry man, I guess you liked him, but if dad says he's a snitch then he's a snitch"

Mickey shook his head, "Let me in"
"Mickey, I can't do that"
"Let me go in there, I want to talk to him"
"I'm not allowed to let anyone in, if dad finds out-"
"You fucking let me into that room or I will kick it in with your head first", he said calmly, all his emotions had left his body for a moment, his thoughts were just on that fucking door and the court room.

Iggy looked at him for a longer moment and then slowly opened the door for Mickey.
"Five minutes", he said.

Mickey entered the room. A figure sat in the middle of the room on the cold ground. He could see wild red hair, blood on a white shirt and pale skin. He looked up at Mickey, he opened his mouth to speak, but Mickey lay a finger on his own lips to silence him.

The Milkovich walked two steps to the right where a small hand camera sat on a table. Terry liked to record his torture to watch it later over and over again. Mickey shut the camera off.

As soon as it was off, the emotions found their way back into his body and he ran to Ian, he sank to his knees in front of him and wrapped his arms around him. He just started crying and sobbing, there was no use in trying to supress them.

"I'm so sorry", Mickey whispered, "I'm so sorry"
"Shh", Ian made, "It's okay, Mickey"
"It's not, look what they did to you", he looked at him and ran his shaking fingers over Ian's bruised up face, "I'm so sorry, freckles, I should have known, I-"

"Mickey it's not your fault, listen to me, it's not your fault"
Mickey was crying he leaned his head against Ian's chest and sobbed into his shirt.
"I love you so much, Mickey, look at me... please look at me"

Mickey looked up at him again.
"I love you"
"I love you, too", Mickey said and let his eyes drop to Ian's hands, he took his bound hands in his and then hastily started to pull on the bindings, "I'll get you out of here", he said and tried to loosen the knots.

"Mickey there is no way..."
"I will get you out, I-I think of something, there has to be something", he said frantically.
"Mickey, you can't do anything, it's over", Ian said calmly, he had made his peace with the situation, he knew that his death was inevitable, "It's over. But I love you so much and I will always love you, believe me."

Mickey shook his head, "Don't say that! Don't you dare saying that! I will get you out of here or... or we're both going to die"

"Mickey, no!", Ian said sharply, "Mickey look me in the eyes, look at me"
Mickey looked at him, his eyes were red from crying.
"You have to promise me something", Ian said softly, Mickey just shook his head, he didn't want Ian to talk like he was about to die, but they both knew he was, so Ian said it anyways, "You have to promise me, that you will go to Sandy. Okay? Go to Sandy, leave this city, hell leave the fucking country. I want you to forget about me and I want you to find someone new to fall in love with, okay? You have to promise me that you will take that freedom that you want, you deserve to be free, Mickey, you deserve to have a random love. Promise me you won't give up just because I'm not the one you will have that with"

Mickey shook his head, "Don't talk like that", he begged him, "You can't die, too. Not you, anybody but you", he whispered.
"Promise me, love", Ian whispered, "Promise you'll leave when this is over"
Mickey shook his head
"Mickey, it's my final wish you can't deny me that"
"I should have let you go to the army", Mickey whispered, "If we wouldn't have had that fight we could be gone already"
"Mickey stop, you're not at fault. I don't know how they found out about me but it's not because of you, otherwise you would be here too, wouldn't you? It's not you. You need to remember that, love. Okay?"

Now Ian was crying too, and Mickey used his sleeve to gently wipe the tears off his freckles cheeks.
"Now promise me", Ian whispered.
Mickey looked down, pain evident on his face, but he nodded, for Ian's sake he nodded.

Then he cupped his cheeks and gently kissed him. They could taste the salty tears of the other on their lips. Mickey kissed him slowly, softly to not hurt him, but Ian didn't care, he pushed against him and kissed him as fiercely as he could because he knew it would be the last time.

When they finally separated, Mickey ran his hand through Ian's red hair again.
"I love you more than I ever could have loved Dimitri", he said, "And I will never again love someone as much as I love you"
"I hope that's not true for you", Ian said, "But I love you too and I just want to be with you, free, and I want to get married to you and have the damn 3 kids and the Guinea pigs. And I'm so sorry that I won't be able to do that."

Someone knocked loudly on the heavy door from outside and Mickey knew he had to leave now.
"Goodbye, my love", Ian said, Mickey closed his eyes for a second and whispered:
"Goodbye, freckles"

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