chaechae: nothing more 

jjk97: but what do i get from this?

chaechae: the pleasure of my company, of course
> not many people get to be friends with me, you know
> this is a privilege :)

jjk97: that's pretty obvious
> you must not have many friends if you're asking me for something like this

chaechae: ouch.
> so what's your answer?

jjk97: i have a condition

chaechae: which is?    

jjk97: i help you, you help me 
i want to be happy 

chaechae: i can't make you happy 
> only you can 

jjk97: i can't 
> not by myself
> you know everything, you should understand

chaechae: i can't make your problems go away 

jjk97: look, i don't want to feel pain anymore
> i'm sick of feeling this way
> so please help me 

chaechae: okay. i'll try. 

jjk97: then it's a yes.
> i'll be your friend.

chaechae: for a month? 

jjk97: for a month.

 • • •

i wait for another message, but receive none. 

clenching my phone in my hand, i lean back on the bench and sigh in relief. after all these years of grief and remorse, it might just finally come to an end. despite chaehyung's protests, i was certain that she could turn me into the jungkook i used to be. i could feel it. 

a shout from behind draws me from my internal monologue. i turn around to see one of my new coworkers, yuri, jogging towards me, cutting across the muddy grass. she smiles at me, and i smile back, hesitantly.

"i've been looking everywhere for you," yuri pants, bending over. "it's the end of lunch, mr. park told me to come and get you."

"oh!" i stand, hurriedly, and check my watch. "i'm so sorry, i lost track of the time."

"it's okay," she bats her eyelashes. "i don't mind."

straightening, yuri grabs my arm and pull me towards the direction of our work building. she links my arm through hers, threading our finger together. i notice that my arm is centimetres away from her chest, and i wonder if it was placed that way intentionally. as we walk, i try to disentangle myself from her claw-like grip without seeming rude.

yuri is one of the many female employees at the office, among little to no men. in fact, there are only three men in my department, including me. consequently, my arrival to the company has received a lot of attention, and consistently find myself surrounded by women. although i might have enjoyed the spotlight years ago, it annoys me now.

we finally reach the workplace, and i quickly pull my arm way before we enter the steel door. gossip spreads like wildfire in the office and i wouldn't want rumors to start because i was caught in the embrace of another woman. yuri look at me, affronted, but i hurriedly walk inside the building before she says something.

a lithe, lean man walks out of the office as i exit the elevator. his face lights up as he sees me, a cheeky grin appearing. jimin park - my boss.

"ah, jungkook, there you are!" he exclaims, placing a hand on my shoulder and steering me inside. "i've got a lot of work for you."

and my tiring day ensues. 

 • • •

a/n: please don't skip this.

a black man was murdered on the 25th of may, 2020.

his name was george floyd.

his only crime was faking a cheque at a local store, yet he was pinned on the floor by a cop. a video shows him repeatedly screaming that he 'can't breathe'. he was ignored.

he then became unconscious, but the cop continued to choke him until his nose began to bleed. he died within minutes.

the murderer's name is derek m. chauvin. for years, he was involved of the murders of other black people but he was NOT ARRESTED. he still walks free, while his victims will never EVER see the light of day again. 

he has been fired from his job, but this is not enough.

the role of a police officer is to protect his civilians, yet this man has done the opposite. he has murdered and he feels no shame.

george floyd is one man in thousands, and i assure you, there will be many more if we do not put a stop to this. derek m. chauvin will not be stopped until he is behind bars.

keeping quiet makes you just as guilty as the perpetrator.

"there comes a time where silence is betrayal." - martin luther king jr.

please sign this petition. i have, and i hope you will too. let their deaths not be in vain.

if you're willing to contribute to the donation towards george's family, the link is: 



but on a better note, i hope you're having an amazing week <3

my updating schedule is currently on fridays, midnight gmt.

[ word count: 1270 words ] 

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