Chapter 2- The Meeting

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A shadow crossed my eyes, they flicked up and were met by deep brown pools which stared back.
Hes here! Oui Oui baguette french man smiled at me,
"Hey Y/N! Youre looking MWAH bellisimo (oh wait thas italian) wanna come get a baguette with me?"

"Hey vincent,,,why dont you just give me your baguette right here?" i asked shyly.

He looked me up and down, his eyes resting on my carboard diamond pants
"Grrrrrr mama" he said, growling like a tiger in his thick french accent

He grabbed me, ripping the cardboard costume off of me and TOOK me right there in front of the eiffel tower, "AAA FUCK GIVE ME YOUR BAGUETTE DADDDYYY" i screamed in pleasure

"Shittt Y/N your croissant is so tight" he gasped "let me pour my Roquefort all inside you"

And then we got arrested and sent to oui oui jail the end

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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