Case 1. An Innocent Murderer: Chapter 24. Exposing the Enemy By Luring Them Out

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Zhan Zhao smiled, "The Publishing Agency on South Street!"

"Your editor's building?" Bai Yutang was stunned, "Cat, does your editor have something to do with this case?"

"There's something strange about Qian Mingyue." Zhan Zhao said, "Don't you think she is a bit too keen on making me famous? If it's just for sales, my book is already the bestseller. Also, it is good to maintain a bit of mystery. Is it necessary to be so serious?"

Bai Yutang thought about it, "You're right...However, she doesn't seem to be related to this case...Ah!"

Bai Yutang realized something as he looked at Zhan Zhao, "Someone is telling her to do it!"

Zhan Zhao raised his eyebrows and said, "This woman is very capable. She doesn't seem to be the kind of person who would let others manipulate her, so I think someone is threatening her!"

"So, once she has achieved her goal, she will report it to that person." Bai Yutang nodded, "Not bad cat. No wonder you're looking for a listening device."

"I also asked Jiang Ping to monitor Qian Mingyue's phone." Zhan Zhao smiled, "As long as she is here, we will definitely get something this time!"

Bai Yutang asked while driving, "Then, how are you going to get her to take the bait? You're not really going to have a book signing, are you?"

"Of course not." Zhan Zhao smiled slyly, "Isn't there already one? I want to meet the members of my book club!"

"Oh..." Bai Yutang nodded, "Sly cat!"

When they arrived at South Street's Publishing Agency, Zhan Zhao poked his head out and looked up. Sure enough, the lights were on.

"It seems Qian Mingyue likes to work overtime." Bai Yutang said.

Zhan Zhao unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car, "I heard that she is the president of this publishing agency, so of course she works hard."

When they went upstairs, they saw that the door of the editor's office was open. Through the small opening, they could see that Qian Mingyue was busy reviewing the manuscript. But for some reason, she looked tired.

Zhan Zhao knocked on the door gently, then pushed open the door and walked in.

Although they knocked on the door first, Qian Mingyue was startled by their entrance. When she saw that it was Zhan Zhao, she smiled. However, when she saw Bai Yutang next to Zhan Zhao, her face turned pale again. She probably remembered the last time Bai Yutang came to see her. Bai Yutang smiled when he saw her expression suddenly change.

"Xiao Zhan." Qian Mingyue quickly stood up with a smile. When she saw Zhan Zhao being supported by Bai Yutang, she was a little surprised, "Huh? What happened to your leg?"

"Nothing." Zhan Zhao smiled and said, "Just a little bit injured."

"Why are you so careless?" Qian Mingyue quickly moved a stool for Zhan Zhao and said, "Aren't you a civil worker? Is it dangerous as well?"

Zhan Zhao sat down with a smile. Qian Mingyue was beckoning Bai Yutang to sit down as she went to pour some tea.

"By the way, coming to see me this late at night...Do you guys need something?" Qian Mingyue asked cautiously while she glanced at Bai Yutang.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other--Qian Mingyue seemed to be particularly afraid of Bai Yutang, and it doesn't seem to be about what happened last time.

"Oh, we happened to pass by, and when we saw that the lights in your office was on, we decided to come and talk to you about something." Zhan Zhao smiled. Qian Mingyue started to relax as she asked, "En, what is it?"

"I want to run a book club." Zhan Zhao said.

With a clang, the cup in Qian Mingyue's hand smashed on the ground. Her hand was also burned, which made her jump in surprise.

"Book...Book club?" Qian Mingyue was surprised and delighted, "Really?"

"Yep." Zhan Zhao nodded, "Is there a problem?"

"Oh, no, it's just you didn't want to in the past, yet suddenly..." Qin Mingyue was a little bit suspicious.

"Of course it's not-for-profit." Zhan Zhao said, "It's just that I can't work recently. Since I have nothing to do, I'm thinking I can meet a few of the readers...You can pick the members. Not too many, around 10 to 20 is enough. However, you can't inform the media!"

"No...No problem! No problem!" Qian Mingyue nodded quickly. The joy on her face was very obvious.

"Then we won't disturb you any longer." Bai Yutang stood up, as he helped Qian Mingyue put the stool back. Then, he said, "I'm going."

"Um...You're not going to drink some tea before leaving?" Qian Mingyue said, however she had already put down the cup and walked towards the door to send them away. Both Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang knew in their hearts that Qian Mingyue was in a hurry.

They did not stay any longer as they said their goodbyes and walked out.

When Qian Mingyue walked the two men to the top of the stairs, Qian Mingyue suddenly stopped Zhan Zhao and said, "Xiao Zhan."

"En?" Zhan Zhao turned his head and looked at Qian Mingyue.

"Um..." Qian Mingyue smiled and whispered, "Be careful."

Zhan Zhao nodded as Bai Yutang helped him go down the stairs.

When they got into the car and drove towards the corner, Zhan Zhao saw Qian Mingyue watching them leave from the window.

The car stopped when it went around the corner. Bai Yutang took out the walkie-talkie linked to the listening device, then turned on the sound and waited.

After Qian Mingyue saw the two of them leave, she returned to the office. She breathed heavily and walked around a few times while muttering, "This is great. God bless, God bless..."

She pulled out her phone and began dialing a number.

Jiang Ping was already in the office. As soon as she saw that the call was picked up, she quickly started to track it.

"Hello...It's me." Qian Mingyue's voice was transmitted through the listening device, "He...He said he wants to open a book club!"

"Yes...Really, I'm not lying to you!"

"Huh? Notify the media?" Qian Mingyue seemed to be in a bit of a dilemma, "He said not to..."

"Okay okay, don't worry. I will do it. But you have to give me everything!"

"Okay...Okay! " With that, she hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Qian Mingyue was silent for a while. Then, she whispered, "Xiao Zhan, don't blame me. For you, it's just getting exposed to the public. It's not a bad thing anyway. But for me, it is related to the safety of my family!"

With that, she took out her mobile phone and began to call the TV stations, and several news and magazine outlets.

Bai Yutang put down the walkie-talkie and looked at Zhan Zhao, "There is definitely someone going on with this woman."

Zhan Zhao nodded, as he remembered Qian Mingyue had told him to 'be careful' just now. In any case, these words came from the bottom of her heart. Qian Mingyue was forced to do everything, so she could not be blamed.

As soon as Bai Yutang saw Zhan Zhao's expression, he knew that Zhan Zhao was feeling sorry again. Bai Yutang pinched his cheek and said, "Don't sympathize with her. Qian Mingyue knows what she did. She's extremely afraid of me, which means what she's doing is against the law."

Zhan Zhao looked at him helplessly, "Yes, you are amazing, Captain Black Cat!"

"Captain Black Cat is you." Bai Yutang smiled as he leaned forward. As soon as he was about to kiss Zhan Zhao, his phone rang. When he saw that it was Jiang Ping, he quickly picked it up.

"Jiang Ping, how did it go?" Bai Yutang picked up the phone and asked.

"I tracked it." Jiang Ping said, "It was called from a mobile phone. The ID that applied for this number has been verified. It belongs to An Lingli..."

"What?" Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao were both shocked.

Jiang Ping said, "Captain, can you please not let me do this in the middle of the night? When I found out it was An Lingli just now, my hairs all stood up. If Ma Han and Zhao Hu hadn't been in the resting room, I would have ran away scared."

"Don't be a kid." Bai Yutang shook his head as he moved the phone towards Zhan Zhao, "Cat, is there anything else you need?"

Zhan Zhao said to Jiang Ping on the other end of the phone, "Jiang Ping, did you find where An Lingli's phone was picked up?"

Jiang Ping said, "Yes, it's in the T area."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other--As expected.

"Also." Bai Yutang said, "Have you found all the locations that An Lingli's phone called after the incident?"

"I have." Jiang Ping replied, "It's all to TV stations and newspaper outlets."

"Get Lu Fang to notify them one by one as a police officer." Zhan Zhao said, "Say that Zhan Zhao's book club has been cancelled so there is no need to report it. Ask them to cooperate and not talk about this matter with anyone!"

"I understand." Jiang Ping put down the phone and did what Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang told her to do.

"Cat, what now?" Asked Bai Yutang.

Zhan Zhao yawned, "What else can we do? Let's go home and sleep. We'll go investigate Uncle An's past first thing in the morning tomorrow."

"His past?" Bai Yutang wondered, "Cat, Uncle An has at most concealed the fact that his wife has been crazy for a long time. What else can there be? Why are you so keen on investigating him?"

Zhan Zhao thought for a moment then said, "If my guess is correct...Uncle An is hiding a big secret!"


Note – 'Jia' is what people in China say when they ride a horse. It's equivalent to 'giddy up' in some countries.

S.C.I.谜案集 (Special Criminal Investigation) Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon