Chapter 8

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Heylo. I know. I neglected this book for 2 months. Sorry. I am going to start writing as much as I can. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this new chapter of Alone.


Chris's POV

"Is that a..." I blinked. "A zombie."

We stared at it for a while, studying it. It defiantly acted like a zombie, it kept walking in circles, tripping over cans littering the street.

I turned and looked at Baxter, our open mouths mirrored each other's.

"Do you think that they are hostile?" Looking back at the zombie creature.

"Only one way to find out." Baxter pulled out his knife, and I jumped away, scared he was going to kill me. By instead he cut his palm, and pointed his hand down. The crimson blood droplets cascaded to the ground, and the zombie stumbled over. It bent down, actually falling. I guess it was trying to lick it, but I couldn't really see.

"This makes everything a whole lot worse." Baxter announced. "We need to move out tommorrow.


I know a really short chapter. Very. But since it's very close to Christmas, I want to get you something. A new character maybe. We will make a contest you can only enter 2. It starts right now, until February 1. This is the information I need to know.

Physical Apperance
Relationships with any characters ( you can even make up another character, that is like a brother or a sister, a lover, family member, etc.)
Describe anything about them, from there favorite color, to how they act.

You can submit these either by putting them into the comments, or by messaging me.

I would really like you all to participate. It would make my day. Thank you all for reading love ya.


Alone (End of the World Book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt