Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Mitch's POV

Yes, I heard the message.

"All of the survivors head to Nashville Tennessee. Safe housing and regroup. Bring supplies. Water, food, clothes, and weapons."

As soon as I heard it I rushed around packing up various items that were needed for survival. I filled up 3 overnight bags with items. I zipped them up and put them in the backseat of my cab in my truck. I got in and stared the engine. I pulled out of my driveway and away from my small, cramped house.

I have had a hard life. My mom died of cancer when I was five and my dad never paid attention to me. Most of the time my dad wasn't even there when he was he was passed out, stoned on the couch. I haven't talked to my dad since I was eighteen and I was now twenty-one.

I checked the atlas, making sure I was heading the right direction. Pulling onto the interstate, I was glad the roads were clear. I sped up to about one hundred miles per hour and would be in Nashville in about ten hours.

I haven't had much love in my life. I mean besides the little time of love I got from my mother. I had never had a girlfriend before because I was an shy, awkward boy growing up. Man I think I was hot enough. I always had my hair up in a little quiff. I had brown eyes and was muscled from the hard labor I did growing up.

I turned on some music to help pass the time. It had been about four hours before I saw someone else driving on the highway. The car sped up and the stomped on the brakes repeatedly. It swerved around the road. It did this repeatedly as I watched for a couple of minutes. I turned down my music, and rolled down my windows. I looked into the car as we leveled it out. The boy looked young, way younger than me.

"PULL OVER!" I yelled loudly so I could be heard over the wind.

The boy gave me a thumbs up and started to pull over. I slowed down and pulled in behind him.

I turned off the car and got out.

"Are you going to Nashville for the regroup?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "Are you going too?"

"Of course. Do you know how to drive?" I replied.

"Not really. I haven't even got my permit yet." He admitted with a bashful shrug.

"You could ride with me if you wanted to."

"Okay." He replied.

He opened the back of his little red car and pulled out a bag. I took the bag from him gently and placed it in the cab with my other bags. The boy went in the front of his car and pulled out a jacket and a small black backpack.

"What's your name? My names Mitch."

"Chris." He said as he shut his car door and got in mine.

I shut my door and he shut his. I started the car and started off down the road. Every once and a while I would look over at Chris. He was a small boy, he looked as if he were 13 or 14. He had thin blond, shaggy hair. His eyes were a light green. I reached over him and got into the glove box. I pulled out my collection of CDs and put them on his lap.

"Look thought them and find one that you want to listen to."

He unzipped the small collection and carefully started to flip thought the various CDs that I had. He handed one to me and I put it in the CD player. I turned it up and it started playing.

The day passed fast and we went through half of my CD collection before we made it to Nashville. We rode around the large city trying to find the meeting spot. The only lit building was the Grand Ole Opry. We parked in the giant parking lot. There was already about twenty cars in the parking lot.

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