"Yay!!! We will go to spain" suddenly Emilia said and started clapping and jumping in her seat.

We all looked at each other.

"No baby you can't come with us its a business meeting " mom said to Emilia softly as we all know now her water works will start. It always happen when we have to go to these gatherings and leave Emilia here. Its so heartbreaking to watch her cry everytime we have to leave.

"B..but i will be a good girl i promise mama , i will stay in the hotel room and when you will finish your meeting we can go and enjoy there." Emilia said with so much hope in her eyes.

"No baby we won't get time to roam around there and we can't leave you alone in the hotel room of another country." Mom said softly.

"B...but i am a big girl now i can take care of myself please please mumma i wanna go with you" she said as tears appear in her eyes.

"No princess you are still my little girl and i can't leave you alone in another country. But i promise when we will come back we will take you for a family vacation on wherever you want baby." Dad said

"No...you guys always leave me alone here, you three take vacation like this and you never take me with you. I am not little girl anymore i understand everything . You all don't love me. I hate you i hate you all!!. " Emilia screamed and ran upstairs .

We all sat shocked as this never happened. She never screamed at anyone before and now she said that she hate us all that we don't love her. I can't believe this. What just happened.

"I will go talk to her" i said as mom and dad were still in shock .

"I ran towards her room and saw it closed. I tried to open it but it was locked from inside. I could hear her sobbing .

"Emmy... Babygirl please open the door for me...baby please listen to me" i said to her but didn't got any reply

"Baby please open the door, let me come inside " i said

"No....leave me alone.... I don't wanna talk to any one of you." I hear her saying while hicupping.

"Baby please open the door let me see you. Please don't cry baby otherwise you will get sick princess" i said hoping she will open the door.

"No ....go away... I don't wanna talk to you" she said angrily.

As i was going to pursue her to open the door mom came and stopped me.

"Let her be Gio she won't open the door now . Let her cool down a little we will talk to her tomorrow morning . You go and sleep" mom said and went to her room. I can tell mom was upset with the way Emilia behaved today. She never did anything like that. I hope she will calm down by tomorrow.

After that i went to my room and finished those files then look at the time it was 2 am in the morning so after that i went to sleep.

Emilia's POV

I was so happy when daddy said we will go to Spain. I always wanted to travel the world but daddy never let me go out . I thought this time we all will go together but no this time also they don't want to take me with them.
Melissa was right no one loves me here. Mommy and daddy only loves big brother because they always take him with them but never me.

But today i had enough i am a big girl , i won't listen to them anymore. Melissa was right all along i should have protested earlier but still its not late.

I was in my thought when i hear knocking again on my door. I already told brother to leave me alone i was going to shout again when i hear her voice so i opened the door instantly and when she was inside i closed the door again.

"Wow!! I am so proud of you girl. You should have seen there faces they were so shocked when you talk to them like that. See now you are a big girl." Melissa said and hugged me.

"Were they really shocked? I should apologise to them tomorrow right? " I asked Melissa as i feel ashamed now of my doings.

"No... ofcourse not what you did was totally right. They never loved you, didn't you see they aren't going to take you with them this time as well." She said and yes she is right i should still be angry with them.

"You are right. I so wanted to travel around the world but daddy never take me with them." I said still sad about it then an idea came to my mind.

"Yes...i have an idea." I said to Melissa with a big grin on my face.

"And that is?" Melissa asked me so i explained her the plan and she said it was awesome i should totally do that.

After making a full proof plan I hugged her and wished her good night then she went out and i slept with a big grin on my face .

'Tomorrow come fast' were my last thought after that sleep took over.

Unknown's POV

"Boss i have a good news for you" i said to my boss on phone.

"What is it?" He asked in his gruff voice.

"We don't need to attack this place anymore to take her. That stupid girl herself is coming to us. Tomorrow all of these Italians are going to spain leaving there little daughter with me and some guards. But that stupid girl made a plan of escaping from here tomorrow and i will help her when she reached the airport our man can easily kidnapped her" i explained the plan to boss and after few minutes of silence i hear him laughing.

"Good job. If this plan become successful you can get whatever you want but if it didn't workout or backfire me then be ready to face the consequences." Boss said darkly and i gulped.

"Y...yes boss don't worry this plan will surely work i will make sure of it." I said and then hear him hang up the phone.

"Just let me hand you over to my boss then i will get everything i have ever wanted in my life" i muttered to myself and let sleep consume me.

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