Chapter 9: Say My Name Again

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                “I guess. Don’t you think it’ll be a little weird?”

I shrugged and she handed me her keys. “Probably.” I was too high on my pride and I didn’t want to admit I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t know why I didn’t want to be be alone, I just know I don’t want to be alone right now.

                The car ride was quite. I didn’t expect less. She was lost in thought and so was I.  When we arrived at her house, we sat in the driveway for a few minutes. “Are you sure you really want to go in there?” She pointed to the house.

                “Like I said, I wouldn’t have asked.” I sighed and dropped my hands in my lap.

                “I’m going to give you a fair warning now that my dad might kick your ass and my mom will probably help him.”

I let out a light laugh. “I deserve it.”

                “You do.” Willow agreed and gave my arm a pat.

She got out of the car and I followed behind.

                This was a really stupid idea. And I don’t blame her parents for wanting to kick my ass. Ash has already done that, but I deserve way more than what Ash did to me.  I’m just hoping this won’t be too awkward and I’m also hoping I leave without bleeding. It seems all people want to do lately is make me bleed.  But I do deserve it for what I’ve done.

                Willow stepped inside first, calling out to her parents.  Her mom rounded the corner of the kitchen with a huge smile and open arms. “It’s about time you come home for dinner.” She teased. Her smile faltered when she noticed me standing a foot behind Willow. “Wow, Noah. What a surprise.” She stated with no excitement in her tone. “I didn’t think we’d ever see you again.” She surprised me when she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight. “I’m in town for a bit.” I lied quickly.

When she pulled away she stepped back and looked at us both. “Are you back together?”

I opened my mouth to speak but Willow shook her head and answered. “No, Mom.”

                “Oh, okay. It’s just a bit odd—”


Mrs. A held her hands up in defense and apologized. “Well, dinner’s almost done. Go ahead and sit down.” 

Willow glanced at me before starting towards the dining room.

                Ash was the first to see me, his smile falling the same way. “What are you doing here?” He asked and I could tell he was trying to keep his calm.

                “Don’t be rude, Ash.” Willow snapped and took a seat next to her father who was at the head of the table.  I took the seat next to Willow’s, across from Ash.

I looked up at Ash, his stare burning holes through me. “I took your advice.”

His face lit up in surprise. “Did you?”

                “It’s a work in progress.”

He rolled his eyes, clearly not believing me.  But I don’t blame him.

                “Nice for you to finally visit, Noah.” Willow’s dad chimed in.

I forgot he was even here.  Maybe because he didn’t jump me when I came into the room. “I’m glad to be here.” I smiled.

The Bad Boy is Back (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang