Chapter 15: Normal

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Larson hissed a curse on the other end. “We’re sending cars over there soon. Do not move from where you are. We’ll call you with anything else.” He rushed and quickly added, “And we found spyware on Scott’s phone. They could hear and see everything. Even track.”

He hung up before I got in a reply.

                “Shit!” I gripped the phone tight in my hand, fighting the urge to throw it against the wall.

                “Noah.” Willow’s small voice came up behind me. “What happened?”

I turned toward her. She was sitting on her knees now, leaning toward me.

“The messages and calls have been coming from Jesse’s old apartment.” I tried to remain as calm as possible, but my voice was shaking and cracking. Felt like puberty all over again. “He told us not to leave.”

She touched my arm lightly and I closed my eyes. “Then we need to stay here. There’s nothing we can do, Noah.”

                She knew I couldn’t just sit here. Even though that’s what I need to do, I just can’t. Why Jesse’s apartment? I know they haven’t rented that place out since people believe there was a suicide in it. Who would rent it? “I can’t—”

                “You need to.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but it was pointless.

                There was absolutely nothing I could do. My curiosity is going to get the best of me. Or being anxious. I just think about it being one step closer to ending all of this. To being home again and not worrying about if I’ll live to see the next day. There’s nothing I can do, so I just need to stay put until we get a phone call.

                Willow pushed down on my shoulder trying to get my attention again. I raked my hands harshly through my hair and turned around to face her. She looked more alert, less tired. “At least get a few hours of sleep. I’ll hold onto the phone.” She held her hand out for me to put the phone into her palm.

I hesitated, but placed the phone into her hand.

                I maneuvered myself so I could lay my head on her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair, her finger tracing the outside of my ear. I stared at the wall ahead, the cogs in my brain still hard at work. It was hard to just shut down and sleep. I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep in months.

                Maybe years.

                My eyes fell closed, but my mind was still working overtime. I let out a long, steady breath to try to clear the fogginess in my head. Willow placed a hand on my cheek, swiping away a stray curl. Her fingers brushed down my bicep and goose bumps rose on my arms. She was whispering and something about it seemed oddly soothing.

                Her hand on my back, the other buried in my hair. She leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head. I let go of another long breath before I finally fell asleep.

                Hours later, I woke up feeling somewhat rested. My head still in Willow’s lap, her hands still tracing around my skin. I stirred a little, letting her know I was awake but not exactly ready to move. “Any news?” I asked, my voice cracking from my dry throat.

                “Not yet.”

I pushed myself up slowly, my muscles were tense and ached to be stretched. “I think we should get home so my mom doesn’t get worried.”

The Bad Boy is Back (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang