Chapter 17: This Is What I Need, Please?

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Today was the first day of school. I was excited only because I get to do something to keep my mind of of things. Even though Noah has definitely taken care of that. Still no updates from Larson after five days, but Noah always calls and checks.

                We have two classes together. I know Noah isn’t excited about starting his senior year over again, but he knows it’s something he needs to do. Ash decided to wait until spring to actually make the biggest move, so I’ll have Ashley at school with me at least until then. I was happy to have Noah in school with me though. I needed him there.

                Noah was sitting at the breakfast table when I came downstairs. Carrie and Leo talked me into taking the Nanny Job full time. Another thing to be excited about. I can watch Noah and make sure he doesn’t run out of the house. And having him only a few feet away helps ease my mind. We know when we need space and other times we don’t even want an inch of space between us.

                I poured myself a cup of coffee before sitting down beside him. He looked exhausted, but better than he has in days. “You decided to leave the ring in I see.”

He looked at me like I’ve gone crazy, but nodded his head. “My mom and I made a compromise. I go back to school, I get to keep the lip ring.” He grinned, satisfied.

I snorted and took a sip of my coffee. “She must love the tattoos then.”

                “Oh, she loves them.” He exaggerated.

I laughed. “At least you don’t have that ridiculous eyebrow piercing anymore.”

                “You’re never going to let that go.” He fought the smile on his face.

                “Probably not.” I smirked, taking the last drink of my coffee.

I brought my cup to the sink and I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist. Noah pressed his face into the side of my neck, “We’ll finally have time alone after school.”

                “And we’re probably going to have a lot of homework to do.” I bit down on my bottom lip when he kissed my neck. His lips brushed against my jaw, stopping above my ear.

                “I think we better make use of the time wisely. And I can tell you now that homework will be the last thing on my mind.”

My breath caught in my throat. “I’m pretty sure that’s what’s always on your mind.”

He kissed my temple and dropped his hands. “Very true. But let’s go before we’re late. We’ll be continuing this discussion when we get home.”

                I just rolled my eyes and walked off. I grabbed my bag beside the steps and walked outside. I got into the car and Noah joined me soon after. The ride to school felt weird. Maybe it’s because Noah’s with me again. I never thought I would see him again and it just felt odd knowing that I have him back. And I know it sounds bad, but it’s a good odd. I like the feeling again.

                We arrived at school and Noah just stood by his car like he’s already regretting this decision. I threaded my fingers with his and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be okay. It’s just school.” I pulled on his hand to lead him to the front of the school.

                Inside was chaos as always. Kids rushing and locker doors being slammed. Noah and I were still locker neighbors, another perk of having him back. He didn’t even open his, but I did long enough to just put my bag inside and pull out a notebook and pencil. I’m sure I’ll be making more stops throughout the day.

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