Part 25 - Fields Of Grass

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Hi lovely reader, please listen to Electric Love by BØRNS while reading this chapter! Enjoy uwu

November 14th - Tuesday
'You still haven't told me why your hair is red.' Jungkook said after delicately kissing the elder.

'It's kinda deep.' Taehyung admitted with a big smile. The redhead had come up with the plan to spend the day with his boyfriend at the field in front of the Eifel Tower. So that's exactly what they were doing right now. Although Taehyung thought they would talk more. Instead of taking, it had been mostly kissing. The ravenhead had been really clingy ever since they met up a couple of hours ago. They had been stealing little kisses from each other the whole time. The elder wasn't complaining though, he could totally get used to this.

'I'm a poet, that's my thing. Tell me, now I'm even more interested.' Jungkook retorted while fixing Taehyung's hair.

'I dyed it after I broke up with Hyuna, my ex girlfriend. I think of hair color as an identity, when you change it, you can become a different person. I never want to be associated with my past again, as it's not something I'm proud of.' Taehyung said with a sad expression.

'Why aren't you a poet? You're way better than me.' Jungkook joked to light up the atmosphere again. And it worked, Taehyung's astonishing smile came back.

'Stop saying that, dummy. But it's good that you brought your passion up.' Taehyung said.

'What? My passion?' Jungkook asked in confusion.

'Yeah poetry, right?'

'Yes and yours is Photography.' The younger proudly said. He had seen some of Taehyung's work last week and it was absolutely breathtaking.

'Yes and that's one of the reasons I wanted to meet up with you here.' Taehyung paused to observe the other's confused face. But then resumed again with a big smile.

'We're going to have a little photoshoot and because my boyfriend is so handsome, he's going to be the model today.' He said.

'But I don't want to do that. I just want to lay down with you and shower you with all my kisses.' Jungkook said before making grabby hands towards the elder. He really wasn't done with kissing, he wanted to give more affection.

'You'll get my kisses when we're done with my project.' Taehyung said while laughing at Jungkook's cuteness. The younger almost never acted like this, so why not enjoy it?

'Oh so now I'm just an object to you?' The younger joked, he was obviously not being serious.

'Yes and a very handsome one.'

'You promise I'll get kisses?' Jungkook asked, disregarding the fact that his boyfriend had already called him handsome twice.

'Yes I promise, Kook.'

'Okay fine.' Jungkook huffed.

'Yeeyy thank's Kook!' Taehyung said whilst immediately taking out his photography equipment.

'The only thing you'll have to do is be handsome and that's not a very hard thing for you to do, so it'll be just fine.' The redhead said with his infamous boxy smile placed on his face.

'How do you want me to pose?' Jungkook awkwardly asked. He had never modelled before, so now standing before a camera was a lot of pressure for the younger.

'I just want you to sit here on the grass and talk about your life, poetry, the future, just anything will be good. You're the most handsome when you're deeply thinking about life.' Taehyung said. He was well aware that he already called his boyfriend handsome like 5 times, but Jungkook needed some confidence to not be uncomfortable with the elder.

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