he smiles, forgetting how the pancakes taste.


taehyung holds jennie's hand tighter. "what the fuck? my hands are squeezing, get it off!" jennie says.

but taehyung wouldn't listen. "there are a lot of dogs here, what if one of them bites me?" he frantically predicts.

the couple is walking on a dark alley on their way to their apartment. it's evening which means, people around are not that much.

it was taehyung's idea for them to take this alley and now he's being a coward because of the dogs around.

"you fucking have a dog, taehyung! dogs are all the same." jennie rolls her eyes.

"yeontan is different, don't ever underestimate my baby."

jennie sighs audibly, "taehyung, dogs won't bite you if you won't do anything wrong with them. i mean look at them, aren't they cute?" she points at a dog who is licking its balls.

"see? isn't that cute?" taehyung stares at his girlfriend. "what is so cute in that?!" he yells. "it's cute-- you know what just let go."

jennie lets out a tsk when taehyung disagrees.

"if you won't let me go," the female stops walking and so did taehyung. "what are you doing?" he looks at her suspiciously when she picks up a stone.

"if you won't let me go, i'll throw this rock at one of the dogs here." taehyung laughs, "you won't do it."

"yes i will."

"no, you will not."

"i can!"

"you can't!"

"taehyung, don't make me do it!" jennie holds the rock tighter. taehyung sticks his tongue out, teasing his girlfriend even more.

"fuck you!" accidentally, jennie throws the rock at a dog who is quietly roaming around. the couple freezes when the dog wails out a cry.

and two other dogs went closer to their injured mate.

suddenly, they all growl. barking at the two.

"shit." jennie curses, "this is all your fault!" taehyung stomps his foot, "waeyo?! you're the one who fucking threw that and not me!"

"you made me do it!"

the growls grew louder. taehyung and jennie look at each other, "okay in the count of three we'll run." jennie instructs and taehyung nods his head. "okay, one."



taehyung unclasps their hands and runs away, leaving jennie. "FUCKING HELL TAE--"

arf! arf! arf!



taehyung sees jennie on their shared room. she's brushing her hair whilst the pale moonlight compliments her shining existence.

DON'T CHAT ME X.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें