Chapter 6

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Kai's mother became increasingly concerned about her son's health as the days passed. The winter storm only got worse, and she knew time was running out. Kai wanted his friend Gerda by his side for comfort. His mother determined the only way to heal him was to take him and Gerda to Arendelle.

Braving the cold, she bundled herself up and made her way to Gerda's cottage. Gerda's mother, Celin, opened the door and was surprised to see her.

"Heidi! What are you doing out here! Come inside!" Celin ushered Heidi inside and took off her cloak and got her a warm drink.

"Thank you, Celin."

"What are you doing here? Is Kai alright? How is he doing?" Heidi shook her head.

"He's getting worse, Celin. I fear if I don't bring him to Arendelle in time he won't make it." Celin blinked in confusion.

"Arendelle? What for?"

"Do you remember the Great Freeze?" Celin nodded.

"Of course."

"I have a cousin who still lives in Arendelle, at the time of the Great Freeze, she told me how it all went down, and what happened to princess Anna when the queen struck her heart. We were only children then, but she remembers it vividly. Her older sister works in the castle as a maid for the queen Anna now."

"What are you saying?"

"We must go to Arendelle to see the queen. She'll know how to help Kai. But we mustn't dilly dally. I want you and Gerda to come with Kai and me." Celin stood and brushed her apron off.

"Absolutely. Whatever will help the poor boy. I'll go fetch Gerda and we'll pack immediately."

"We'll leave by first light tomorrow."

The next morning, the four of them were on their way in a wagon put together by their village for them. Heidi's husband wrapped Kai up in thick blankets to keep him warm for their travels.

"Bring our boy back home."

"I will."

Word quickly spread about Kai's condition, especially to the ears of Heidi's cousin, Ingdis, in the castle. She made her way to the queen's chambers.

"Your majesty?" The queen looked up from her desk, eyes strained from reading papers all day. Anna blinked and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh, Ingdis. What is it?"

"Your majesty... I have to tell you something important?"


"I have a cousin who lives in the northern hills. She has a son named Kai, and word has spread that he has been struck in the heart-" Anna's heart stopped hearing those words. No... it couldn't be.

"Elsa..." She whispered. Ingdis nodded.

"They're on their way here to see your help to heal him. You're his only hope." Anna sighed from deep within her chest. Unable to process it. No... no no no...

"How bad is it?"

"I do not know. Only when they come here will we know." Anna stood and looked out the window. The snow was heavier now, and a thick blanket of snow covered the kingdom and the fjord around. It would only get worse if Elsa wasn't brought back to her senses. And now, a second heart has been cursed, and he would die.

"Prepare for them, and we'll have warm beds ready." Ingdis nodded and left to inform the staff.

"Yes, your majesty."

In the mountains, the group passed by the massive ice wall. Heidi gulped nervously and pulled Kai closer to her, who began shivering as they got closer to the ice.

"You'll be okay Kai, not much longer..." She whispered comfortingly.

The wind got stronger as the wagon moved on, and Kai looked up painfully, seeing a figure approach them. An ethereal, pure white figure. As it moved through the blowing snow and sleet, he saw piercing blue eyes stare back at him. He closed his eyes, allowed the figure to caress him, unable to process his mother was entirely unaware of this.

Heidi looked down only to see her son gone.

"KAI!!!" She shrieked, frightening the horse, who lurched forward.

"KAIII" Celin pulled her friend down.

"Heidi! Sit down!"

"She took Kai!"

"Who?" Heidi looked up at the ice wall, seeing a shimmer of white vanish. And she knew...

"The Snow Queen." Celin felt a shiver run up her spine hearing those words. The situation was getting worse and worse. Gerda called out for Kai but did not get a response.

"Mama, what do we do now?"

"Only Queen Anna can help us now," Heidi responded.

"We need to get to Arendelle now." Celin snapped the reigns, and the horse took off.

"Hold on Kai... we'll save you." Gerda whispered into the wind, hoping her prayer would find him.

Kai slowly opened his eyes, blanket still tightly wrapped around him. His breath fogged in the icy air, and he looked around. He was entirely surrounded by ice. He was too weak to stand but strong enough to move his head. Glittering ice decorations dotted the walls. He could see snowflakes and the crest of Arendelle motifs on the walls and pillars.

"Where... am... I?" He gasped out. He felt ice-cold hands on his shoulders, and he craned his neck around to see a beautiful woman behind him. It was almost a psychic sense that he knew who she was.

"The Snow Queen." She kneeled before him, her dress entirely composed of icy fabric. She held out her arms, much like a mother would, and she brought him close.

"Why... did you... bring me here...?" He asked. Her eyes fell to the floor somberly. He could tell there was pain in her heart, he could see it in her face.

"I have hurt you. The same way I hurt my sister..." She managed to say. Memories flashing through her mind.

"Queen Elsa..." He whispered in awe. He had only heard of her before in stories, but here she was in the flesh before him. "What happened?"

"... My magic..." She was struggling to get the words out, "my magic struck you in the heart." Kai froze (metaphorically).

"... why'd you bring me here?"

"Pain... guilt..." She took his hand up to the main floor of her castle. Even though he knew what she did, he didn't feel angry at her, more of sadness. The way she carried herself, she was grieving.

"Your majesty? Why are you so sad?" Elsa glanced up into empty space, tears welling up in her eyes, she could feel the pang in her chest return. The loss of Conrad returned to her... He was gone... no way to ever bring him back. Every happy moment they had together flooded her mind and the tears spilled over.

"The light in my life is gone..." Kai noticed her wedding ring, and he squeezed that hand, giving her a sympathetic smile. Elsa looked down at him, trying to smile back through the tears. Little Kai reminded her of when Jonis was a child.

"Don't worry your majesty, it'll be okay..." Elsa didn't know how to respond, she hoped he was right.

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