previously on the power of change

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alternate Jake's POV

meeting the doctor was a huge honor,and after exposing what was happening he looked a little puzzled

10th doctor: well, people don't Just disapear into thin air

The doctor scratched his chin, I was also quite puzzled

10th doctor: do you have anything that could give us a lead?

I pulled out the metal out of my pocket and showed it to the doctor

Jake 2: this is what was found at the crime scene

The doctor studied the metal very carefully

10th doctor: dalekanium!

so that's where I've seen this metal before, this is what daleks are made out of

10th doctor: where did you get this?

then as if perfect timing, Jesse and the others walk in

Jesse: well Jake, we couldn't find anyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....who are these people

after explaining who the doctor and rose Tyler were and that Jesse was the one who found the dalekanium, I had a little chat with Lukas

Lukas: so the doctor is a time lord, very interesting

Lukas took out a book and quill

Jake 2: hey Lukas, what's that book you got there?

Lukas then drew his attention away from his book and looked at me

Lukas: oh, it's Just a little something I got back at the white pumpkins place, that's where me, Jesse, Petra, and over met stampy, dan, stacy, lizzie, and captain sparklez

Jake 2: really, what happened?

Lukas then tells me how sparklez and puzzle both died and how cassie rose was the white pumpkin

Lukas: you know Dan and Lizzie were really close, they could have been a really good couple, too bad Lizzie was killed

that last part have me an idea, one that was probably very stupid and destroy the universe


Jesse: so yeah, we're kind of in a pickle

I know Jake said the doctor was a time lord and he was supposed to know everything, but even he couldn't figure out this mystery

Axle: hey does anyone hear that?

The sound was like a really annoying siren but softer

10th doctor: he wouldn't, quickly everyone to the tardis.

We ran to the blue police box

axle: I think we're not all going to (enters tardis) fit in?

Jake 2: it's bigger in the inside, we got it

10th doctor: what are you doing (trys to get the controls away from Jake)

Jake 2: non of your business

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