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Brandon p.o.v
I was at the jewelry store minding my business

Nick: now you know you can't afford shit in here

Me: leave me alone

I looked up at him he was wearing a uniform

Me: oh so you work here huh

Nick: yupp

Me: let me see that teddy bear necklace

He started laughing at me

Me: what the hell is so funny

Nick: boy that necklace is 80 dollars

I pulled a stack of money out

Me: give me the damn necklace

Nick: sure

He started wrapping it up

Nick: who this necklace for anyway

Me: my Laya

Nick: oh nice
End p.o.v

Laya p.o.v
Brandon gave me a blue bag

Me: what's this

Brandon: look inside baby

He started recording me

Me: this better not be no damn blunt

Brandon: baby it ain't

He laughed

I opened the box and it was a teddy bear necklace

Me: aww thank you baby

He stopped recording me

Brandon: see I told yo ass I would get you that necklace

Me: yeah yeah

I pushed his face back

Brandon: damn no kiss foreal

Me: nope

I laughed in his face and he got mad at me
End p.o.v

Petty pretty boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن