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Simone p.o.v
Lathan been avoiding me all day plus Ernesto and them been bothering me like ugh can I get a damn break..anyway I followed lathan to his car

Me: can we talk

Lathan: you talking ain't you

He opened the drivers door but I closed it

Me: what is wrong with you

Lathan: do you really wanna know

Me: yes

Lathan: look that rumor ain't real..Ernesto just doin all of this to get back at me because I was speaking mad facts and tryna protect yo ass but yo ass to damn hard headed to listen

He kept going on and on

Me: okay just stop talking

Lathan: and- wait why I gotta stop talking

Me: I heard enough and I'm sorry I ain't listen to you and by the way I don't kiss and tell

I pecked his lips and walked away from him

Lathan: well alright then
End p.o.v

Lathan p.o.v
Did she just kiss my ass

Me: Simone you need a ride

She hopped in my car

Simone: thanks for-

Me: look here all this kissin shit gonna lead to something else

Simone: well just make me ya girl then

Me: fine

She started smiling hard
End p.o.v

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