Part 2: The Dark Figure

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After Jack and Carly went on their date, Jack had driven Carly back home.
"Thanks Jack." she said as she got out of the car.
"No problem." He said in response,.
When Carly went home, she saw a dark figure in her door.
"Oi, Carly.."he said wanted to ask her.
"Yes..?" It broke off has the handsome man kissed her blissfully.
"Mmn.."She said while blushing.
"Please I have to go home..."
"Ok, fine."
As Jack drives off, and Carly gets in her house, she sees a silhouette of a person outside.
"H..Hello?" She asks the mysterious person at her door.
-To be continued- PS: Don't worry y'all will know next chapter👍!

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