"Maybe your right.." the boy at the window standing up from where he was sitting. The boy at the door nodded in agreement. "Night Akane." The boy said looking at Akane at the door with a smile. "Night Amane do rest up as tomorrow a big day." Akane said before leaving.

Amane took a deep breath. He tried to call Yashiro but.

The person you have tried to call is not answering at the current moment. Please leave a message after the beep.

She never did answer.

Weeee another time skip to tomorrow afternoon as Yashiro getting off the plane weeee.

As Yashiro got off the plane there were many stares at her and whispers. "Isn't that the girl who dating that idol boy?" "What are you talking about baka? She is an idol like him!"

All Yashiro could do is just accept the rumors as she walked around the airport.

"Ugh where is Aoi! She said she was on her way!" Yashiro said looking down at her phone at the time. "That lady looks very familiar right?" "Yeah your right she does look like the Idol from many years ago but I've heard she left Japan for good." "Maybe she an impostor." The rumors around Yashiro kept growing and growing.

"Nene-chan?" Someone said tapping her shoulder making Yashiro jump. "Kyaaa!"

"I didn't mean to scare you Nene-chan!" Aoi said to Yashiro as she looked like she had seen a ghost. "Its fine Aoi." Yashiro said with a smile. Aoi then hugged Yashiro. It lasted for a few mins. "I've missed you Nene-chan" Aoi whispered as she broke free from the hug. "I've missed you too Aoi!" Yashiro said holding Aoi hands.

The rumors around them started to grow and grow until someone split the tea. "EVERYONE ITS YASHIRO NENE THE FAMOUS IDOL WHO DATING THE NEXT FAMOUS IDOL AMANE!" Someone yelled across the airport lobby making everyone stare at Yashiro and Aoi.

Aoi quickly grabbed Yashiro hand and ran out of the airport as a group of people were following right behind them. They ran to the car where Akane was waiting for them. Aoi quickly opened the door letting Yashiro in along with her suitcase. Aoi then jumped in closing the door locking it right away.

"So.. mind telling me whats with the crowd of people?" Akane asked as he turned back to Yashiro and Aoi. Yashiro let out a sign and told Akane what exactly happened. Akane then let out a deep breath. "I knew we should have brought security guards." Akane said as he tried to drive out of the airport parking lot.

Aoi smiled. "I appreciate you driving me here to pick up Yashiro." Aoi said kissing Akane on the cheek. He was then blushing like crazy. "I didn't only do it for you. I did it for Amane as well. He been depressed all morning." Akane said with a serious tone.

"He probably depressed because I didn't answer his phone call last night as I was about to get onto the plane." Yashiro seemed down. "I'm sure he will understand Nene-chan. After all we are going to see him right now! Right Akane?" Aoi said trying to cheer up the sad Yashiro.

"Yeah it shouldn't be long until we're at the place he is playing at tonight along with the other band members as well." Akane said back to Yashiro and Aoi making Yashiro cheer up a bit.

As they reached there location there was a line of people with cameras waiting for their arrival. Akane signed.

Aoi had a worried look on her face as this wasn't going to turn out pretty. "I'll call for some security to help us out. We just gotta protect Yashiro that's all. Akane said bringing out his phone calling for some security.

"Don't worry Nene-chan were going to get this straighten out." Aoi was holding Yashiro hand to comfort her. She only nodded in agreement.

"DAMMIT" Akane yelled throwing his phone onto the passenger seat. "What happened?" Aoi asked worried about Akane. "Were basically on are own. So here's the plan. Aoi when I open the door I want you to take Yashiro hand and run into the building. Look down all the time so the press doesn't get a a picture of you. I'm going to grab her suitcase." Akane said in a serious tone. They all agreed.

"Alright ready when you two are." Akane said looking back at Yashiro And Aoi.  "Let's do this!" Yashiro said.

Aoi then opened the door holding onto Yashiro hand as tight as she could and ran towards the building.
There was many flashes blinding the three of them but they managed to get into the building safely.

They all took deep breaths. "I'm going to take Yashiro to see Amane." Aoi said to Akane as she was still holding onto Yashiro hand. "He should be in his dressing room Aoi if I remember correctly." Akane said. Before Aoi and Yashiro left.

"Thank you for everything. Akane!" Yashiro said smiling at Akane. "Its uh nothing.. you should go meet up with Amane though I bet he the one who misses you a lot." Akane said smiling back at Yashiro. She nodded in agreement and walked away with Aoi

"Here is Amane dressing room!" Aoi said pushing Yashiro closer to the door. All she could do was blush like crazy. "Go on knock!" Aoi said pressuring Yashiro to knock on the door. "I-I can't!" Yashiro said wanting to leave but Aoi just pushed her back.

"Your not leaving Nene-chan! You either knock on that door or I do. And you certainly don't want me to because then I will tell him how you were all so scared to knock." Aoi said with a smirk pressuring Yashiro even more.

"Ugh ok fine! I'll knock! You'll pay for this Aoi." Yashiro said with a pout. Aoi just stick her tongue out. Yashiro then knocked on the door and took a few steps back.

"What if he isn't excited to see me. Or mad because I didn't answer his calls. Or or." Before Yashiro could finish Aoi blocked her mouth with a finger. "Relaxed Nene-chan." Aoi whispered. She then removed her finger from Yashiro mouth as the door began to open.

"I swear if its either you Akane or Mitsuba I'm to-" Amane said opening the door but stopped what he was saying as he didn't see Akane or Mitsuba. It was Yashiro.

"Um.. Hi Amane. Been a while right?" Yashiro smiled looking at Amane.

"Yashiro.." Amane said letting go of the door running towards Yashiro hugging her.

I'm sorry if this isn't going well. This is my second hananene fanfic and it's just something I've been working on the side I hope this ends up well as my other Hananene book. 😗

°The Contract° Under Major Editing!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum