♥13♥ Until we die!

Start from the beginning

"Um..." Kiyoshi was not afraid of Kuroko at all so it was confusing for Kuroko.

"Help yourself!" From Seirin Military High school, Kiyoshi Teppei put down a tray full of snacks and some tea that he made. 

"Thank you." Kuroko initially expected Kiyoshi to freak out the moment he revealed himself to be a member of the Kiseki no Sedai but Kiyoshi welcomed him with gentleness like that of an older brother. Kuroko was a little happy. "What I said before..." 

"I'll join you." 

"Eh? That easy? You're not going to ask what we are going to do?" What if Kiyoshi was tricking him? What if behind that gentle smile was something sinister? No, Kuroko can't sense evil intention from this guy at all...

"I have my own reasons. I just can't stand WINGS as of now." 

"Did something happen?" 

"Hmm..." Kiyoshi sat on his bed, grabbing his tea and have a little sip of it. "My parents were scientists. When the virus was first discovered, my parents worked on a cure for it. I heard from my grandparents, they were good people, always trying to help others. One day, they were killed by rebellions." 

"By rebellions, do you mean the Glass Breakers?" 

The Glass Breakers were a rebellion group that came out some time after the virus was announced. They were a group of people who defied WINGS's idea of having the whole country sealed within a glass dome with the virus. They're a group who didn't believe in the virus and wished to contact the outside world at all costs. 

"Yep. My parents were killed by a member from the Glass Breakers. Of course, I don't believe that at all." 

"Why not?" Kuroko asked, curious of Kiyoshi's story. 

"If we assume the virus is real, it should mean the last person you would want to kill are the scientists. After all, everyone plays a different role in a society. You wouldn't kill off humanity's last hope, right?" 

"I see where you are going with this." 

"They told me that the rebel shot himself afterwards. Who is going to believe that? I don't." 


"Kuroko, was it? I have some friends in the same position as I am. How about I take you to meet them sometimes?" 

"Yes. The Kiseki no Sedai is short on numbers so we need as much members." 

"I'll take it that you guys are ready to cause a riot." 

"Yes." Kuroko was quick and confident with his answers. 

"Kuroko, what is my benefit if I join." 

"If you join us, you will be our secret members. We want you to support us within the shadows. As of now, WINGS only branded myself, five of my friends, and our hacker as criminals." 

"I see." 

"Kiyoshi-senpai, if you join us and you get caught, you will be forced to make horrible choices or die. Are you willing to side with us despite that?" 

"What are the benefits? You've told me the downside first because you don't want me to die, right?" Kiyoshi asked with a smile on his face. 

"Freedom." The greatest benefit of fighting against WINGS was freedom. Freedom to go anywhere you want, and live a life with your own choice. 

Kiyoshi smiled at Kuroko's words.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Kiyoshi asked.


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