"Nope," she said smiling sinisterly. "Convince me to let you go."

Is she serious right now? I don't want my student to see her teacher and sister hooking up.

"Fine. This coming Saturday, imma take you out for dinner," I said quickly and I pecked her lips and she deepened the kiss. "Mmmm, let me go," I said breaking the kiss.

"As you wish my lady," she said letting me go and just in the nick of time because Amethyst came in.

"Hey Bey," Amethyst said going back to her seat.

"Hey sis," Bey said slightly pinching her cheek. "I'm off to meet my manager. See y'all later," she said walking out.

Amethyst POV

"Miss Maraj gave us a report of your work and must I say, we are proud of you baby girl," dad said as we sat in the dinner table having our dinner.

"You're really smart baby, just like Hakeem. He also used to get nothing but the best. He mostly got A's unlike your sister," mom said then she took a sip of her wine.

"Your mom is right. Beyonce used to get a bunch of B's and C's," dad pitched in. "I don't even understand why we spent money on putting her into the finest private school. We should have dumped her in a public school."

Dang, this people be hating on my sister. They are making it sound like Beyonce is a complete disappointment.

"Beyonce may have not been good at school but at least she's good at other things like music," I said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Really? Music? Ain't nobody in our family does music so I don't get why she went for that when she could have easily became a doctor with a degree from Yale," dad said.

"Beyonce should get her act together and be a perfect example to you and be more like Hakeem," mom said finishing the last bit of her pork chop.

I mentally rolled my eyes and I excused myself from the dinner table.

I love my parents but they sure do tick me off when they bad mouth Bey like that. I don't get why they are so scornful.

I went up to my bedroom and got my phone and went to my contacts.

"Talk to me lil missy," Beyonce said on the other line.

"Are you in your house?"

"Yep. You wanna come?"

I sighed. "Yah. Mom and dad are getting on my last nerve."

I heard her laughing on the other line. "I'll leave my door unlocked. Come with my nail polish otherwise imma-"

I cut the line because I know she's just gonna start talking gibberish.

I got in my pyjamas and headed upstairs to Bey.

"The hell! I know you didn't hang up on me! Imma smack you into next week if you ever pull that stunt on me ever again!" She spat as she got closer to me.

"Calm down Bey. It was a mistake," I lied.

"You better make sure it doesn't ever happen again or else imma bury you and dance on your grave," she said walking away.

"Damn, who set the fuse on your tampon?" I said trailing behind her.

I went over and cuddled close to her on the couch. She brought me closer to her chest by placing her arm over my shoulders. We sat quietly while watching re-runs of Family Matters.

"Bey?" I said lowly.

"Mmm?" She responded as she was slowly stroking up and down my arm.

"I wanna go back to school," I said and I immediately looked up to see her facial expression but I couldn't quite read it.

"You no longer want to be homeschooled?" She asked looking at me and I slowly nodded. "Why?"

I sighed as I sat up straight. "I feel like I'm done with the whole acting and modeling things. I've really achieved a lot at such a young age and I wanna continue doing that but I mostly want to be a normal child and go to school. I also want to experience high school, my career can take a seat in the backseat," I said.

"Did you tell mom and dad about this?"

I shook my head. "Not yet but I was hoping that you could help me break the news to them."

"I don't know."

"Please Bey. Please do it for me big sis," I said with pleading eyes.

"Okay, I'll help you."

My face lit up. "Thank you so much Bey," I said as I hugged her and she hugged me back.

We went back to our original position and continued watching TV.

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