Chapter 24: Guess who's back

Start from the beginning


He didn't notice me as the police remarked, 'You got unlucky kid, unfortunately for you I was just on my way home when I saw ya,'

TJ rolled his eyes rebelliously, 'Guess I don't have to worry for next time then,'

The way he said it made my insides rot. He didn't sound like TJ at all. He sounded like a troubled teen who has just done something stupid and is disrespecting authority out of anger...but then I suppose he is all of those thing just.....not in the way I thought he was.

The policeman dragged him into the station whilst me and Kira stared at the doors.

'Come on!' Kira got to her feet and went inside the station, following the policeman to where he was locking TJ in a temporary cell, 'Kyle!'

I felt a bit awkward trailing behind, not just because I'd witnessed my ex being arrested but also because Kira was half yelling at a cop and I wasn't sure why she felt so comfortable in doing so.

'Kira, I'm working,' Kyle gestured to TJ who reluctantly sat on the bench. I took this opportunity to look at him; he looked fine, normal even. Less can be said for me with my fluffy unbrushed hair, eye under bags and mismatched socks...ok the socks were a fashion choice but the rest made me look more of a mess than my facial expression already did.

That was until my eyes fell to his hand, his right one, it was bleeding pretty badly at the knuckles appearing red raw with purple bruises covering his fingers. It probably felt more painful than it looked. That's what worried me when he didn't seem bothered by it at all. On top of that was weird looking blue streaks on his finger tips.

'What's he done then?' Kira countered, crossing her arms, 'We aren't leaving until you tell us,'

Kyle shook his head, 'You're such an annoying little sister, if I tell you will you stop bursting into the workplace unannounced?'

Kira nodded. Oh, they're siblings.

Her brother gestured to TJ, 'Caught him vandalising, with spray paint. Funnily Enough a blue spray can was reported stolen a couple minutes prior to the incident,'

TJ glanced up to argue but then realised I was there, the angry look in his eyes softened as he lowered his head to the floor like a disobedient puppy.

'Now, you two better leave before my boss catches you in here. She'll happily throw you in there too. I've got to go call TJ's parents. Not sure they'll be happy about seeing you in here again,' He directed the last part at TJ whilst he dialled the number he's clearly learnt off by heart due to TJ's past regular appearances here.

'They're never happy to see me anyway,' TJ retorted.

Had be been drinking? He sounded drunk or something but my gut knew that something must've happened to make him act out like this. He'd only drink with Reed and Lester and they'd never let him do this...not alone at least.

My heart broke even more for him. I hope it wasn't my fault he did this.

Kira and I left reluctantly, standing outside both in shock.

'I...don't get why he'd do something like that. Especially after he's changed so much,' Kira muttered.

Worry fluttered in my heart, 'I don't know...something must've happened to make him to it,' an idea suddenly came to my head, 'Kira, I gotta go about you sit at my lunch table at school? I'm sure the others won't mind,'

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