Cassandra: you can go to my room if you like.

Me: sure I'll wait for you there. Don't take long and focus on your lessons. I don't want you to fail your exams because of me.

Cassandra: okay mom.🙄

I slid my phone in my back pocket feeling a bit angry at my plan being ruined but she was still surprised nonetheless only i didn't get to see her reaction. I practically ran into the building and took the stairs to her room thankfully i didn't bump into any more fans. I took a seat in front of the desk scanning the room.

It was pretty normal, two beds, two desk, kind of messy but what caught my attention were the pictures displayed above her bed on the wall. The first one was of her family, the second was with her bestfriend and the last one that made my heart swell with love was our picture togther after the concert. I stared at them fondly giving special attention to her baby pics until i heard the door knob twisting.

Cass walked inside wearing the biggest smile on her face though she looked a bit tired. I opened my arms for her as she buried her face into my chest. I nuzzled my face into her neck inhaling her magnificent scent.

"I missed you soo much!" I cooed in a squeaky voice making her laugh. She pulled away and i took the chance to give her a kiss. "How was class?" I asked pulling her to sit on the bed.

She sighed shaking her head "don't wanna talk about it" she mumbled wrapping her arm around my middle as she rested her head on my shoulder. "I just want to cuddle for the rest of the day" she hummed closing her eyes.

"I'm afraid we can't do that sweetheart. We have somewhere else to be" i chuckled when she let out a groan.

"Can't it wait til tomorrow? I'm tired" she whined but i shook my head.

"Come on cass I'm taking you on our first date. I already planned everything" i begged sticking my bottom lip out.

"Okay fine" she growled grabbing my hand to the door saying the sooner we leave the sooner she'll get back to her nap. I found it odd she didn't even ask where i was taking her.

"Wait hon do you have by any chance a pair of sneakers in my size?" I questioned now realising how weird it was. Her eyes widened staring at me like i was insane.

"Yeah i always keep one pair in my closet just in case of emergency" she said sarcastically as i rolled my eyes. "Why would you want a pair of sneakers instead of these expensive boots?" She raised her eyebrows.

"As much as i love these, they're not convenient for the place I'm taking you to" i explained as she nodded "it's okay we can stop by a store and get one" i shrugged my shoulder.

She glanced at me skeptically as if trying to figure out if I'm joking or being serious. "Usually when i forget something, I'll pass by home or borrow from a friend but i don't fucking buy a new one from the store!" she snapped as i laughed.

"Well sweetheart i have a lot of money, do not worry" he replied smirking smugly as she slapped my chest glaring at me. "Oh and cass leave your phone here" i requested twisting the door knob.

She let out a bitter laugh. "Excuse me mendes, my phone goes wherever i go" she shook her head clutching her phone close to her chest.

"I'll leave mine too here. Please i want us to have a good time away from all social medias" i begged squeezed her hand. She nodded her head taking her phone and mine and shoved them into one of her bags.

She glanced at her closet one last time as if saying goodbye before turning to face me."Shall we" i offered her my hand, she hesitated a bit before accepting by gesture.

Keep it undercover //Shawn Mendes//Where stories live. Discover now