Chapter One

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One (Ella's Prologue)

There's nothing better than the feeling of holding a new gun.

I cautiously walked down the 12th floor's hallway, tightly gripping the brand new pistol in my left hand. It was shiny and sleek, easy to hold. You always hold a gun tightly, it's common sense if you're a spy. I listened to my black heels click on the tiled floor, making this much harder. I looked around me alertedly before I came to the end of the hall. The room number was 342; the number I was told. I lifted my ear to the door, listening to any sound or movement. Nothing. There was always the off chance that I was given the wrong room number, or whoever was in there was being careful. I took a couple of steps back, then slammed my foot into the door. 

The door fell with a loud thud. I jogged over it and held up my gun. I whipped my head around, looking all around the room for him. There wasn't anything in the room but a chair. I ran in and threw it aside. I checked in the corners, I even looked at the ceiling. No, no this couldn't be happening! They told me I would find Ian here, in this exact room. Was this a setup? I never really liked the general, I knew she knew I was the best, but she was heartless. She only wanted Ian because he was somewhat helpful. After having him sent for training, he began to develop much better. He still hadn't killed anyone, but he could easily knock someone out. I still didn't think he could handle this: six, maybe even more terrorists. The most dangerous too. They needed him because he had the numbers. Ian had the stupid numbers that got us into this mess. I remember the words General had told me after I saved him, and he was safe and in a hospital:

"Agent Wolff, we are going to be keeping Ian Langoff in your team as a weapon."

I stared at her, shocked. How could she do this to an innocent young man who wanted nothing to do with this. "General, he-

"I don't want to hear Agent Wolff, I know what I am doing, and it's best if he stays here. He now knows something, and he's too dangerous to send off. Who knows what he would tell his family. We have to keep Ian Langoff away from friends and family. This information is too valuable. You do understand what will happen if we don't allow him in on this, you do Agent Wolff?

I didn't say anything for a second, then slowly nodded my head. "Of course General. I understand."

She nodded, "Ian Langoff will have to be exterminated right away after he's useless to us, I hope this doesn't concern you, Agent."

I shook my head, "Not at all, General. I know what needs to be done."

"Then good luck, Agent Wolff."

I took deep breaths as I felt my eyes begin to water up. I turned my head toward the right side wall. I gasped, remembering all of the balconies that were hanging off of the side of the building. I ran over to the wall, moving my fists all around it. Yes. I saw a very small button hidden over to the side. My fingers quickly found it. I held my gun up in front of me, ready to shoot. As the wall opened up, I was greeted by three men. One was tall and completely ripped, and holding Ian by the neck over the railing. The next was shorter and more on the fat side, and the last was tall, but didn't hold near as much muscle. 

"Drop your weapons!" I pointed my gun at the one holding Ian. "Do it! Now!"

Slowly, they put their foreign weapons down on the ground. I didn't remove my eyes from the ripped one. This must be Arnea Ahaloo. This is who I was told most about. He was dangerous. His grip tightened around Ian's neck as he watched me back.

"Let go of him, now!" I wasn't a spy right now, I was a worried girl in love with a useful man. "I will shoot!" My voice stayed strong and loud. I can't let them know that I'm afraid. I didn't drop my stare from Arnea, but I carefully pointed my gun at the short man. "I will kill them if you don't let go!" My hand didn't falter as it slowly began to push down the trigger. Arnea let out a soundless sigh and dropped Ian to the ground. He took in gasping breaths of air. For a moment I forgot all about the mission I was on, and only thought about Ian. I dropped to the ground next to him and took his face in my hands. "Are you okay?" He just stared at me. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," he sat up and rubbed the back of his head. I looked back up at the now empty balcony. I muttered a cuss word under my breath and jumped to my feet. 

"Whoa wait, I'm coming with you. These men are dangerous, I should know that by now," Ian slowly got up on his feet and looked at me intensely.

I sighed, annoyed, then nodded. "Let's go." We began to run off of the balcony, but the wall slid back in front of the opening. I slammed against the wall, banging all over it. I aimed my pistol at it and shot. Nothing. It was bullet proof! As a few more curse words escaped my mouth, Ian called my name, 


I turned around and looked at him. At that exact moment, I felt the balcony move. Move? I ran over the the left and looked at the connecting. It was coming loose. Oh my god, we were going to fall with the balcony. This is more than a twenty foot fall, we'd never make it. I bit my lip and looked around at everything we had. This was all my fault! You can't be a spy and let your feelings get in the way, it screws everything up! I looked over the balcony and saw a few men at the bottom, just tiny ants. I had an idea. "Ian I kn-" All of the sudden I was knocked off my feet and flew over the side. I reacted fast, grabbing the side of the ledge. I gasped and took in deep breaths. 


I looked up to see Ian being hoisted up by the neck again, and dangled over the deadly traffic.

Now we were screwed.

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