"Oh My God! How do you feel about this?"she questioned, looking at me with concern.

"I'm okay. I'm over him. Just shocked,"I shrugged.

"That's good,"she smiled.

"How was your weekend?"I asked, trying to change the subject.

That one simple question prompted a very long story about her entire weekend, including what she ate. She loved to talk and I was probably the only person other than her parents that could spend a whole day with her mouth. I had patience and I liked to listen as much as she liked to talk. So I nodded my head and inserted comments when needed. By the time she had finally finished describing, we had made it to homeroom and she had forgotten all about Luke.

Then I told her about my weekend with less detail. The rest of the day passed by quickly, along with the rest of the week. By the time Friday rolled around I was about to burst with excitement. I couldn't wait to spend a whole day with the best boyfriend in the world. Then we could go to a party! I hadn't been to a party in over a month and I was dying to just lose myself in the thrum of the bass.

At lunch I was literally bouncing in my seat with a goofy grin on my face. My two friends along with the rest of the table were looking at me strangely.

"Why are you so excited?"Sean finally inserted in the awkward silence.

"Because tomorrow I get to spend the whole day with Clark and then we are going to an awesome college party and yeah!"I chirped.

"Aww,"the guys and girls at the table grumbled, jealousy written on their faces.

The guys were probably jealous of the party, but the girls were most likely jealous that I was still with Clark and keeping up a long distance relationship with the most popular guy in school. Even though he went to college this year, he is still known, even by the freshman.

"Yep! I can't wait!"I cheered.

The rest of the day passed quickly and I went home right after school. I checked my phone once I had made it to the privacy of my room. I had one text from Clark:

-Is it okay for me to pick you up at ten tomorrow? Pack clothes and I'll bring you home on Sunday.-

-That's fine! I can't wait!-

-Haha. Okay. See you soon. Love you.-

-Love you, too.-

I threw my phone into my saucer chair and went downstairs to tell my parents the plan.

"Hey, mom, dad,"I said when I found them in the lounge.

"Hey,"they chorused together.

"Clark is going to pick me up tomorrow morning at ten,"I said.

"Okay, honey. Will you be spending the night?"she asked.

"Yes, if that's okay with you?"I prompted.

"It's fine. Just be safe,"she winked at me.

I blushed and waved goodbye. I headed up to my room and packed an overnight bag for my little trip. I limited my things to pajamas, an outfit, and the needed toilitries. Before I reported to my bed, I picked out a cute outfit from my closet and set it out on my saucer chair for tomorrow. So that I wouldn't oversleep, I set an alarm to wake me up at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Once this was all done, I snuggled into my duvet and fell quickly asleep.


The next morning I groaned and tried to bury myself in the covers as my cell phone blasted Jason Aldean's Dirt Road Anthem, signaling it was time to wake up. A string of cuss words flew out of my mouth as I shuffled my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and carefully scrunched my wet hair with some moose and gel.

Redneck Romeo [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now