chapter four... rescue the queen

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Silver: how do you guys always win at war?

Knuckles: don't worry Silver, you'll get the hang of this game. Steals one of Silvers cards.

Silver: you're right I will.... Wait a minute. I had ten cards, now I only have nine.

Knuckles: aww man, you're hands worst than mine.

Suddenly, Tails bursted through the castle door with a scared look on his face.

Tails: guys, help

Amy: Tails, what's wrong?

Tails: its Queen Larien, she was capture by a cat witch name Ruby

Amy: don't worry Tails, we'll save her.


Queen Larien: let me go Ruby.

Ruby: sorry, I can't do something like that.

Queen Larien: please hurry Tails

Tails: there she, Queen Larien

Charmy: after that witch.

Just as Ruby was about to get away, a strange hammer hit her in the head causing her and Queen Larien to fall.

Queen Larien: heeeellllppp.

Tails: I got you Queen Larien

Queen Larien: thanks Tails.

Amy: I you okay your majesty.

Queen Larien: yes, thanks to you Tails.

Tails: blushes fiercely.

Ruby: this battle... isn't over. You... haven't defeated...

Ruby never finished her sentence because she was shot in the head and died.

(A. N can you guess who shot Ruby? Hint: you may have seen him in one of my previous stories.)

Sonic Forces comic dub... love will find a way.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя