Chapter 2

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After waiting in line a half an hour we made our way into the club. The DJ was blaring some pop song with a nice beat and Kate and Izzy were already dancing. This is the first time I've gotten a chance to see Jake in a few days so I'll be spending all my time with him. The guys and I made our way over to the bar. They got beers and I got a Dr. Pepper. Not allowed to drink being the DD and all. 

Eventually the guys finished their beers and we joined Kate and Izzy on the dance floor. After a few songs I was really hot and sweaty so I told everyone I was going to step outside for some air. 

"Can I have another Dr. Pepper?" I asked the bartender handing him $3.

"Sure thing doll." He said handing me a glass.

I maneuvered my way out of the crowd and onto the balcony. I rested on the rail, looking out on the city and to the starless night sky. There was a tap on my left shoulder that caused me to drop my glass. It shattered on the floor, the soda in it spilling everywhere.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." said a tall man with shortish brown hair that was kinda pushed up to the side a bit.

"Its okay." I said stepping around the broken glass and started heading back inside to tell someone about it.

"Wait!" The man said grabbing my arm. I turned around and slapped him. No way was I allowing a repeat of my first night clubbing. He put his hand up to his face. Hurt flashed through his familiar brown eyes.

"Don't touch me." I stated and started walking away again.

"Melody!" he shouted after me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"How do you know my name?" I asked stepping closer to him. That same hurt flashed through his eyes again.

"You don't recognize me?" He asked trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"No not at all. Now if you don't mind I-"

"Justin. Its me. Justin Colgrove." His name struck a spark in the back of my mind.

"Justin? Alabama Justin?" His eyes lit up and she shook his head vigorously. "Prove it." I said not believing my ears.

"When you were 10 you had a dream that a meteor would hit the field behind our houses and we were rich from the money we made selling it to NASA." He said matter of factually. A smile was present on my face that I don't doubt was ear to ear.

"JUSTIN!" I screeched jumping into his arms and embracing the best friend I lost 10 years ago. Its been 10 years since I've been in his arms. He held me tightly until eventually he reluctantly pulled back and held me within arms distance.

"How have you been Melody?" He asked smiling at me.

"I've been okay. A lot better seeing you here. I'm still taking it in. What on earth are you doing here of all places?" I asked him.

"I told you I'd come for you didn't I?" he said, a cocky smile on his face. I frowned.

"You're 10 years late on that bud." He let go of my shoulders.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm actually here visiting my sister. She lives here. A few buildings down from this club." he said. I leaned against the wall and studied him.

The years had really been kind to him. I remembered him as such a scrawny little kid. We used to be the same height and though we've both grown, he now towers over me. He used to be so skinny but I could definatly see a 6 pack going on under the white t-shirt he was wearing. His skin was tan and his facial features were much more masculine.

"I waited for you." I said seeming to catch him off gaurd. "I waited everyday for 2 years before I finally gave up on your rescue. I mean I know we were young and you had no way to come visit but I hadn't heard from you for years. You owe me 10 years of a friendship." I said pushing his shoulder playfully.

"I'm here for 2 weeks. I think I can fit 10 years of best friendness in don't you think?" He asked pulling me inside. He motioned for me to wait as he walked over to the DJ. He walked back over and pulled me over to the dance floor. "Wait for it." He told me, putting my arms around his neck and  resting his hands on my waist.

"Alright time to slow it down a bit. Guys get your girl if you got one and enjoy this flash of the past." the DJ said as A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton started playing and I smiled brightly. This was our favorite song back in 2002. He whisked me all over the dance floor. 

He picked me up and spun me around and when it ended he dipped me down and brushed my wavy blonde hair out of my baby blue eyes. We just kind of froze there staring into each others eyes while the music drifted off and onto the next song. 

After about 30 seconds he stood me back up straight and I fixed my dress.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" I asked still a little light headed from being literally swept off of my feet.

"My sister and I took lessons in 8th grade." he said shrugging it off like it never happened. I spotted Kate waving her arms like crazy by the exit signaling me over there. 

"Hey I want you to meet a few people." I said over the music grabbing his arm and weaving our way through the crowd over to where Kate was standing.

"Dang Mel who's the stud?" Kate said purring at Justin and winking. Justin took her hand in his and kissed it.

"Justin." He said releasing her hand.

"Yum." She purred. I rolled my eyes. "Um Izzy had a little too much to drink and Mike wants to take her home. You're DD so we all gotta go. Everyone is waitng in the car." She said still staring at Justin.

"Dang um okay." I turned to Justin. "Got a pen?" I asked him

"Uh yeah" he said pulling one out of his pocket. "Here" I took it from him and wrote my number on his hand. 

"Give me a call, you owe me a drink." I said and gave him back his pen. I gave him another tight hug and left the club with Kate.

When we left the building the questions from Kate poured on.

"So did you just meet that cutie?" 

"No I've known him forever."

"Well who is he?"

"He's just an old friend from Alabama."

"Whats his name?"


"What's he doing here?"

"Visiting his sister. She lives here."

"Are you madly in love?!" she asked holding onto my arm in anticipation.

"No Kate just stop asking questions. That was my first time seeing him in pretty much 10 years!" I pretty much exploded on her. "Drop it."

"Chill girl I'm just messing with you."

She got into the passenger seat as I hopped into the drivers seat and started heading home. The only thing on my mind was Justin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2012 ⏰

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