Chapter 1

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Present day

"Hey Mel, how far are you on the essay for Mr Muller?" Kate asked as she nibbled on her carrots.

"I've had that thing done for a week. When's it due again?"

"Tomorrow." she said dipping another carrot in ranch dressing.

"And how much do you have done?" I asked stealing one of her carrots.

"I still have to write my conclusion. But I can do that before bed." She shrugged.

"Kate! It's 9:00! Class is at 11 tomorrow and you know he won't take it late."

"See, more than twelve hours to do it!" She teased and got up, walking over to where I was standing and gave me a hug.

Kaitlyn (Kate for short) has been my best friend since I moved to L.A. back when I was 11. She was the first friend I had made in my new school. That was 10 years ago! I remember it like it was yesterday.

I looked around the lunch room for somewhere to sit. I was quite the shy kid. I decided it'd be best to just sit by myself today. I made my way over to one of the empty tables in the back of the lunch room and set down my tray. I picked up my pizza and took a sizable bite out of it . All of the sudden I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"You're Melody right?" She asked taking a seat next to me. I swallowed my food and nodded. "I like your name. Its pretty. I'm gonna call you Mel for shorts though." I looked at her wide eyed and very nervous looking. "Ooh silly me. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kaitlyn your new best friend but you can call me Kate for shorts." She smiled the biggest smile.

"Hi Kate." I said awkwardly. She smiled again.

"What do you like?" She asked stealing a carrot off my tray. I smiled at her thinking of what to answer with. Finally deciding my answer.

"The stars."

"I love stars. My grandma and grandpa live out in Wisconsin. I visit them every summer. They have a great view of the stars. You don't really get to see them a lot out here."

"I noticed. I want to be an astronomer one day. Study space." She was quiet for a few seconds.

"Me too. Ya know Mel. I like you." I giggled.

"I like you too Kate."

"Kate go finish your essay or I'm not going clubbing with you tomorrow night." I said trying hard to keep a straight face. She instantly stopped hugging me and ran to her room to finish.

"Hey Mel." Izzy said as she walked in the room. "Whats up with the energizer bunny?" She asked pointing in the direction Kate just ran off in.

"I told her she needed to finish her essay or I wouldn't go clubbing with her tomorrow night." I plopped down on the couch flipping the channel till I saw sponge bob was on and decided to watch that. Izzy took a seat beside me.

"You wouldn't really have not gone with her would you?" She asked.

"Of course not. Jack is going with us. I don't get to see him very often outside of classes. Why would I cancel?"


Jack is my boyfriend of 3 and a 1/2 years. I met him in my first week of college. Kate and I were clubbing and lets just say I had a little much to drink.

Kate was wearing a tight yellow strapless dress that barely passed her butt and 5 inch black heels and I was wearing a slightly less tight dark purple 1 strap over the shoulder dress that went to mid thigh and a pair of purple flats.

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