Chapter 5 "Fire Ferrats"

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A man snuck up behind me and placed an arm around my waist. I jumped up a little and turned to look at him, shocked.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! It's all right Toza, they're with me." The man said happily.

"Yeah, we're with him." Korra said with a smile.

"So, you see, we're together." He said sweetly.

"Well, not together together, more like friends." I said as I looked at Toza.

"Right, friends. No, no, I didn't mean to imply." The man said as he let go of my waist.

"Oh, you implied it." I said sweetly.

"Ah, I don't care what you are! I got work to do." Toza snapped before walking away.

"Right this way, my ladies." He said as he led us away.

"And thank you, sir! Seriously, thanks." Korra said with a smile.

He led us inside and I looked around.

"Whaddya think? Best seats in the house, huh?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Whoa! Unbelievable!" Korra exclaimed as she saw the stadium.

I shook my head and smiled as I watched her.

"This place is even more amazing than I imagined!" She yelled.

"Name's Bolin, by the way." He said as he sent me a smile.

"Korra and my friend there is Kari." She said as she looked around.

"Akari." I said as I sent him a small smile.

"That's a beautiful name." He said with a smile.

I felt a blush appear on my cheeks and cleared my throat and looked away. A man walked up to us and grabbed Bolin and led him away.

"Come here, I want you to meet my brother, Mako." Bolin said after awhile.

"Mako? Wow, I-I heard you playing on the radio." Korra said as she sent him a smile.

"Come on, Bolin, we're up." Mako said ignoring her.

"... or I could meet him later."

"Yeah, sorry about that. My brother just gets real ... focused before a match. Okay, I gotta go, wish me luck. Not ... that I'll need it." Bolin said with a small smile.

"Good luck. Knock 'em out!" Korra yelled.

"He totally likes you." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Really cause you're the one who he put an arm around." Korra said with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said as I gently pushed her.

They soon won, thanks to Mako, and I smiled as Bolin walked up to us.

"That was awesome!" Korra exclaimed.

"It was okay." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

Korra sent me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay... it was awesome. Like that one move you did was so cool, and then when you dodged-"

Korra sent me a smirk and I quickly straightened back up. I saw Bolin's smile widen and I cleared my throat.

"Was cool... it was cool." I said as I looked away.

"Thanks." Bolin said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Anyway, I've been immersed in bending my entire life, but I never learned how to move like that! It's like there's a whole new style here! Think you could show me a few tricks?" Korra asked happily.

"Ab-so-lutely!" Bolin said happily.

"Right now? Come on, Bolin." Make said with a groan.

"Just ignore him. Yeah, I could show you the basics. I'm just not sure how my earthbending would translate to your waterbending, but we'll figure it out."

"Won't be a problem. I'm actually an earthbender." Korra said happily.

"I'm sorry, no, no! I didn't mean to assume. 'Cause I, you know, I was just figuring ... with your Water Tribe getup ... that you are ... a Water Tribe ... gal."

"Nope, you're right. I'm a waterbender. And a firebender."

"I'm very confused right now." Bolin said with a frown.

"You're the Avatar, and I'm an idiot." Make said as he bowed his head.

"Both are true." Korra said before I hit her shoulder and sent her a glare.

"No ... way. The Avatar." Bolin whispered to Mako.

Soon Bolin started to show Korra moves and I leaned against the wall and watched.

"So what type of bending does your friend have? Is she a waterbender?" Bolin asked making Korra freeze up.

"Non bender." I said answering for Korra.

"Oh.. I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry bout it. I'm use to it by now." I said with a small smile.

He nodded his head and went back to training with Korra. I soon fell asleep and woke up with a blanket on me.

"Morning sleepy head." A voice said.

I shot up and turned my head to see Bolin with two plates.

"Korra abandon me?" I asked softly.

"She was gonna wake you, but I told her it was fine for you to stay." He said with a smile.

"Thanks." I said as I stood up and stretched.

"So... you're a non bender.. how did you meet Korra?"

"My father is the chief of the southern water tribe. He is good friends with her father." I said as I shrugged my shoulder.

"So you're royalty... should I bow?" He asked playfully.

"Please don't." I said as I stole a piece of bacon.

He let out a laugh and handed me a plate.

"So, why did you come with her?"

"Someone has to keep her out of trouble." I said as we set down.

"She seems to like getting into trouble."

"She is prone for it."

We set on silence and Bolin bit his lip and turned to look at me.

"Are you free today?" He asked after awhile.

"Um... yes?" I said questionably.

A smile appeared on his face and he took my plate and set it down before grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him.

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