"How did you--" the boy asked.

"You SAID MY NAME YOU DUMMIE!" the Katara yelled at the boy.

"Who are you and what do you want," I said, uninterested.

"My name is none of your business," the boy said, crossing his arms in front of him.

I sat back down again without saying anything.

"Wait, the boy is alive in there!" Katara yelled suddenly, trying to break the glacier.

Crap. I had to get him out. What if they hurt him? God, I'm already failing.

"Move," I murmured, pushing  Katara out of the way.

"Sokka! Come help!" Katara said, clearly pissed off at the boy.

"Ah so his name is Sokka?" I said monotonously as ever.

He grumbled in frustration.

I always wore an emotionless face and never showed any emotion in my voice. I guess it's some sorta form of me protecting myself.

I placed both of my hands on the ice and using my waterbending to make a large crack. Suddenly, the boy's eyes opened. I jumped back, startled, but I quickly recovered and went back to my blank staring. A beam of light shot up into the sky. 

Shit. Zuko now probably knows where we are. WHY MUST LIFE PUNISH ME LIKE THIS?? 

I groaned and pinched my nose.

The boy came out of the glacier and stumbled to Katara. He then collapsed into her arms. Sokka started poking his head with the other end of his spear. Katara glared at him and shoved his spear away.

 "Stop it!" she yelled, frustrated.

After a couple seconds, the Avatar stirred. He groaned a tiny bit, trying to open his eyes. I just stood a couple feet away from them, far enough to not interact but close enough for them to see me and for me to be able to take the Avatar and run if I had to.

He opened his eyes and gasped a little bit. Katara gasped too, a small smile on her face. Aang started to speak.

"I...I need to ask you something," he said weakly.

"What?" she asked.

"Please.....come closer."

Pft is he gonna kiss her or something?

"What is it?" Katara asked quietly again.

He was quiet for a couple seconds.

His eyes went wide and he exclaimed, "Will you go penguin-sailing with me?"


"Ahh.... Sure? I guess..." Katara said, startled.

The Avatar sprang up and stood. Sokka yelled out. 


"What's going on here?" the Avatar yelled, scratching his head.

"I have no clue." I said, announcing my presence.

"Ahh!! Oh, I forgot you were here..." Sokka trailed off.

I glared at him. 

"Sokka!" Katara said.

We heard a loud growling coming from the ice that the Avatar came from. The Avatar let out a little gasp and clambered up the ice to where it was coming from. He gasped again and slid down there. I quickly followed him.

"Where are you going?" Sokka asked.

"I'm following him you idiot, what does it look like?" I grumbled. 

Peter Pan (Zuko x Reader x Sokka)Where stories live. Discover now