chapter 5: 'The Game'

Start from the beginning

"No time for personal input. Save it for later." Draco added.

Pansy blushed, turning to Zane, "Zane, who was your first?"

"In fantasy or reality?" He asked bluntly.

The group admitted a low chuckle.


"In reality, no one. But fantasy...for a while it was Draco,"

The blonde smirked, bowing his head a little, at the recognition.

"But now? Oh gods, it's Dean."

Draco put his hand on his heart in mock-hurt, "Zane, how could you!"

"Just being honest." He winked at Dean, "Draco, how often do you wank off?"

The room waited for an answer as the blonde spewed out his tea, "W-What?"

"How often do you wank off?" He asked again, annoyed, "You know, 'pull off' as the Australians say it. 'jerk off' as the Americans say it."

Draco shifted uncomfortably, "Um..."

"Give us an answer, you virgin!" Pansy complained.

"I...I've never..." The blonde trailed off, embarrassed.

"Lies!" Blaise hissed, shoving a vile of the potion down his fellow Slytherin's throat, "How often do you pull off?"

"Never done it." Draco answered honestly.

Harry tilted his head to the side, "What do you do when you're turned on then?"

"I don't get turned on." He insisted, honestly, "Ginny, do you like Pansy?"

The redhead bit down on her lip, "Yes. And I'd let her shag me."

Pansy blushed, "Fan-fucking-tastic."

"It's magically delicious." Harry sung.

Everyone stared at him, and Dean frowned, "I worry about you."

"It's a commercial in the muggle world." Harry muttered.

"Harry what arouses you?" Ginny asked.

'Oh gods no.' Harry thought, panicked.

Why was the first thing that came to mind his dream about the blonde across from him?


"The potion!" Neville smiled.

"You have a cute smile." Blaise muttered, half-hoping his crush wouldn't hear.

Neville brightened, "You're cute when smile you." He blinked, "I-I mean... you're cute when you..."

"SHUT UP! HARRY JUST TAKE THE POTION!" Zane screamed, honestly wanting to know.

"Oh shit! Gryffindors we need to get back... it's past curfew, and Hermione and Ron have been going at it too long." Ginny giggled.

"Good night, love." Pansy smiled. Ginny blushed, rushing out.

"Good night, sexy." Zane murmured, watching Dean leave.

"Later, hottie." Thomas muttered back.

"B-Bye B-Blaise!" Neville squeaked.

"Bye cutie..." Blaise blinked.

"Ah to be single. How depressing." Draco whispered.

"Night, Malfoy."

"Good night, H-"


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