His Last Curse

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"No, no, no," Ginny repeatedly murmured as she collapsed next to Draco's body.

Her eyes flickered fearfully as they grazed over him, only to find little change. Not knowing what to expect, Ginny had imagined Draco garishly inflating to maximum capacity with magic. But instead, Draco's alabaster physique looked drained and sunken, almost as if it was him who had lost his magic.

"Draco, Draco," she murmured, as her fingers splayed over his Duelling robes clumsily,  "you did it, you-"

"GINNY!" Parvati suddenly screamed, urgency and fear lacing her tone. Breaking from her fearful reverie, Ginny turned quickly to face her best friend, whose almost-black eyes were alight in shock. Her shaking arm was pointing directly above the couple in the centre of the arena. "MOVE!"           

Voldemort's body, which was suspended above them as though in a sick puppetry act, was suddenly hurtling towards them at full speed, almost as if the string which was holding him had suddenly snapped. His smoke-like ebony robes were raven wings in the dim light. Without pausing to think, Ginny flung her body over Draco's, squeezing her eyes shut as she held her love in her arms. Anything, anything but more pain for Draco.

Instantly, Draco's blazing eyes shot open, full of energy and power. Sparks of electric green and stunning ruby flew from his body as his being expanded with the vast amount of magic he had aquired. Blood punped through his veins, and magic pulsed through his arteries. Holding Ginny in his right arm, he threw her aside with so much force that she fell into a crowd of Ravenclaws, who automatically caught her. Not needing to turn to see if Ginny was no longer in danger of Voldemort's falling figure, Draco Summoned his wand without flinching at the pain. Staring directly at the cloaked body hurtling towards him, Draco's piercing eyes burned with a frenzic fire that nobody has ever lived to see before.

Holding his wand steady in his left hand, Draco used up every inch of his magic in his final curse.


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