Ch.7 Here?

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Jungshin's POV

We made it to the van at exactly 6:30. "What perfect timing," our manager said sarcastically. We got into the van and decided to relax until we got to the venue. About a few minutes passed, then we all suddenly lurched forward!

Cassidy's POV

Right after the guys left, we all decided to leave too. We were all pretty tired even though we just had coffee. We got all of our bags and got into the car. We all decided that Lisa would drive. We were singing the songs that came on the radio at the top of our lungs while attempting to dance. It was pretty much normal, but then....

Jungshin's POV

CRASH! The car in front of us had stopped abruptly. "It's probably a car accident," I said. When we peered closely, we were right. The car in front of us switched lanes, so we were able to see the accident more clearly. Two cars were involved in the accident. Our manager was about to switch lanes since we were running late. "No," I said. "We should at least help those people," I stated. "We're running late, Jungshin!" our manager scolded. "Jungshin's right," Yonghwa declared. The rest of the guys nodded. "You guys have a concert tomorrow!!! Are you guys crazy? There will be someone else to help them, but it will NOT be us!" our manager growled. "What's more important: being late to a venue or saving people's lives? Who knows if anyone is going to help them!" Jonghyun stated without wavering. Our manager saw our determined faces and knew it was impossible. "Go ahead," our manager said without bothering to even look at us. We rushed out of the van.  We arrived at the accident.

Cassidy's POV

"Oh my gosh!" Kennedy exclaimed. There was an accident. We were trying to get more details of the accident until I saw some people walking towards the accident. "Those guys look familiar," I muttered. Right when I realized who those guys were, Nicole said, "Those are the guys whom we met at Starbuck's!" "What are they doing there?" Lisa asked. "I think they are going to help," Lucy stated.  We were in our seats sort of dumbfounded because we couldn't believe that we just saw them again so soon. "Why don't we go out to help them?" I asked. Lisa parked the car to the side. We only had to walk a short distance to the accident. "Hey! Do you guys need any help?" I asked the guys. They looked pretty surprised to see us again so soon and especially here out of all the places, but they recovered soon since we didn't have time any time to waste. "Yes, a little help would be graciously accepted," Yonghwa replied. Lucy called 911, but it was going to be a while. We decided to divide into two teams. Team 1 would help the person in the red Toyota. Team 2 would help the other person in a black Mercedes. Team 1 consisted of Lucy, Jonghyun, me, and Minhyuk. Team 2 consisted of Jungshin, Lisa, Nicole, Yonghwa, and Kennedy.

We all left and went to our designated cars. We opened the door. The owner of the red Toyota was a man in his mid 40's. He was dressed in a black suit. He was unconscious and had blood that trickled down his face. Jonghyun and Minhyuk pulled the man out of the car and gently laid him down on the ground. I was about to take my jacket off to use it as a pillow for the man when Minhyuk pulled off his jacket and tucked it under the man's head. "You might catch a cold if you take off your jacket," Minhyuk stated. "Thanks," I said shocked at the sudden, yet kind action. "Here's your chance, Lucy. You can show what you've learned these years, Doctor Lucy," I teased. "You're going to be a doctor?" Jonghyun asked. "Hopefully," Lucy answered. "That's cool! We're so lucky to have you here right now! You should lead us on, Doctor, and we'll obey your commands," Jonghyun teased. Lucy blushed until her cheeks were as red as tomatoes.

Lisa's POV

We arrived at the black Mercedes. We opened the door. The man's face was covered by his arms, but even then, I suspected who it was. Yonghwa and Jungshin pulled him out. Kennedy and I both gasped at the same time. It was Harry Styles! "How can... Oh my gosh... but wait... " I muttered while staring in disbelief. Kennedy was the same. "Are you guys okay?" Yonghwa asked with concern written all over his face. "Yeah, we're fine," Kennedy and I said. "That guy is Harry Styles, and they are completely obsessed with him," Nicole said. "Not obsessed. We are just dedicated," Kennedy complained. "Suure, you guys are," Nicole said sarcastically. "Whatever. We have to focus," I said. Harry was unconscious, but he was muttering someone's name over and over again. He also had blood that trickled down his face. Since our only doctor who was currently occupied, he had to have Lucy explain everything that she was doing out loud. Cassidy would tell Minhyuk everything, and Minhyuk would go to Jungshin and tell him everything. Jungshin would tell Team 2 everything Lucy said. It was pretty tiring until the ambulance finally arrived.

Jonghyun's POV

The ambulance arrived. I felt kind of disappointed that it was over. Lucy was really impressive, and she was really cute whenever she was trying to concentrate. "Wow! You were really cool!" Minhyuk exclaimed. "Good job, Lucy!" Cassidy said while beaming with pride of her friend. "You sure did pay attention during your classes," I said nonchalantly. "Thanks. It was something I had to do, and you guys did help a lot. Don't give me all the credit; you guys did really well," Lucy said humbly without even looking at Jonghyun.

Nicole's POV

"Wow. Oh my gosh. That was pretty tiring," I stated. "We did well! Good job! We should be proud of ourselves!" Yonghwa stated. We joined the other team while Harry was being placed inside. "Why don't Lucy and Cassidy go with the man with the Toyota, and Lisa and I will go with Harry," I said. I didn't want to put Kennedy with Lisa because something would happen since they were very DEDICATED Directioners. "Kennedy, you should follow us," I stated. "Okay," Kennedy said while looking a little disappointed. "We really have to go, but let us know when they wake up," Yonghwa stated. Minhyuk gave Cassidy a piece of paper with all of their numbers scribbled on it. "Sure. Be safe!" I said. "Definitiely," Jungshin replied. We bade each other safe travels and went our ways. "What a day," I sighed.

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