24; By The Light Of Dawn

Start from the beginning

Jace scoffed. "Good story, but I've heard better."

"Wait, in the vision from Ithuriel, the demon that destroyed the sword had a clawed hand," Tris spoke up, remembering what Clary had told her about the vision.

"Exactly," Dot said. "It has nothing to do with you. Perhaps I can lend some insight. Show me this vision."

After doing so, she looked at everyone warily. "Angels are higher beings. They communicate through metaphors. Morgenstern means 'Morning Star', as in, 'How are thou fallen from heaven, O, Lucifer, son of the morning.' The vision seems to be speaking of a...demonic Morgenstern."

"Me," Jace spoke up, looking down and connecting the dots. "That's why Valentine wanted me under his control. I can derail his plan. I can destroy the Soul-Sword."

"And destroy yourself in the process," Tris protested, shaking her head. She was not about to lose another friend. "No. T-That's a suicide mission. No way."

"Think about it, Tris-"

"She's right, Jace," Tyler told him. "It's too dangerous."

Jace sighed, looking at Tris and frowned upon seeing the worry in her eyes. "I'm not gonna touch the sword. I'll just get to it before it's activated, and bring the Mortal Instrument back to the Clave, where it belongs. Trust me."

Jace had called Alec to inform him about the plan. The Institute was under attack and there were major casualties since Valentine used Madzie to take down the wards and she suffocated everyone. However, there was one thing Jace kept on the low: Valentine had Simon. Well, he told everyone but Tris. She was too weak and her finding out that her brother was trapped would make her want to save him, but hurt herself while doing so.

And Jace was not about to let that happen.


Unfortunately, Tris found out about Simon. And to say she was angry would be an understatement. Magnus, Clary, Tyler and Dot could see smoke coming out of her ears, her face twisted into a scowl. She looked almost comical, her breathing heavy and the only thing going on in her head was "why didn't Jace tell me?" Funnily enough, Clary was the one who had told her; the redhead thought that she deserved to know since it was her brother.

It had been one hour of her stomping around the apartment, before she fell to the floor, feeling her headache subsiding as she tried to breathe as much as possible. She was sitting on her knees, her vision blurry but she could see Magnus, Tyler, Clary and Dot's silhouettes. She looked away at a bookshelf and couldn't contain her surprise when it was set on fire.

All four of them looked at her, eyes wide. When she met their gaze, they were even more flabbergasted upon seeing her eyes that were the colour of fire itself. Magnus, who snapped out of it, got rid of the fire using his magic and fixed it up before conjuring up several sheets of paper. He carefully touched Tris' head and made her look at the floor. Her vision was clear as day now, as Magnus placed the papers on the floor, watching them turn into ash under the girl's gaze.

Tris closed her eyes, and after a good five minutes, when she opened them, they had returned back to normal and her headache was gone. She stood up and looked at Magnus, pointing at the shelf she had previously set on fire, a sheepish look on her face. "Sorry about the bookshelf, Mags."

He rolled his eyes, his lips stretching into a smile as he pat the girl's head. Clary and Tyler were smiling at her as well, while Dot remained confused. Tris looked at Clary, Tyler and Magnus. "We need to get to the Institute."


Racing inside the Institute, Tris, Tyler, Magnus and Clary split up. Tyler decided to use the guns that Tris had bought previous to knowing her powers. Tris' main goal was to get her brother out of there. Clary had informed where he was and what Valentine was doing to him. Tris, who was running towards the Head of the Institute's office, found both Jace and Simon, trying to fight off Valentine.

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