Part 1

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There wasn't even a day that passed without Khushi thinking about her marriage, about her wedding day and how perfect it was going to be with the perfect guy she had always dreamt of getting married to.

She grew up believing in fairytales, every weekend when her parents would take her to attend someone's wedding, and she couldn't stop wondering how her own wedding was going to be.

It was like a huge deal for her, of course she dint know when it was going to happen or anything, but she knew one thing, whom it was going to happen with.

Arnav. The man of her dreams. She had known him since childhood, he used to come to her house every day with his father, Arnav and Khushi's fathers were best friends, they would always hang out and that way she got to see him quite often, and spend a little bit of time with each other and everything just seem perfect.

Every day she would wait excitedly for him to come with his father or for either of her parents to decide to visit Arnav's place so she could get a chance of seeing him, her day felt complete only when she had the chance to see him.

Everything seemed to be going pretty well, they would play with each other, their parents would keep spending time together often giving them the chance to spend time together too, but then  one day everything changed. Her father suddenly decided to send to her to live with her aunt in another city for unknown reasons and she knew that maybe she was never going to see the man of her dreams again.

First of all, her aunt was very strict about everything, she knew she wasn't going to get any freedom at all, and worse of all, it also meant going away from Arnav, how was she going to be able to do that?

She tried to talk her father out of it, she cired threw a bit of tantrums but he was in no mood to listen hence she was sent to live with her aunt.

She never came back home once she was gone, her dad would come visit her but he would never take her home and her aunt dint allow her to go visit her parents either, which meant growing up without Arnav, without seeing him at all, but even in all those years, he still remained to be her man of dreams.

Lucky for her, as Arnav came from a rich family, there was always a lot of news about him and his family in the magazines, so she would always get his pictures, cut them out and keep them safely in her cupboard.

Of course as she grew up and became mature, she did know that her dreams were just going to be dreams, it wasn't possible for her to get married to Arnav now.

He was now one of the hottest bachelors in town, he had also taken over his father's business after he passed away, and according to what she read about him in the news, he had kind of become heartless since then, he really dint care about anyone much.

So it was like all her dreams had shattered, obviously she couldn't expect Arnav to get married to her, out of all those eligible rich and hot girls out there, how could he get married to her? Middle class Khushi, who wasn't even as hot, she hadn't really even talked to any other guy ever because her aunt was too strict to let her even have any guy friends, so she couldn't even think about trying to woo Arnav as it wouldn't work.

So with time she came to terms with the fact that she can like Arnav all she wanted, but maybe someday when she was going to get married, it wasn't with him, and that somehow just broke her heart.

Then one day, as if destiny was playing it's game, Khushi got the most important news of her life. Her father called her back home, she was done with her studies and everything which meant she was going to get to live with her parents and could get to see Arnav again, what could make her happier than that right?

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