Dream LA Tour

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Days later you found yourself in LA in front of Bryans terribly huge house. You grabbed your bag that you kept in the back seat with you and hopped out of the Uber. You pull your phone out of your pocket to text Bryan and tell him that you're outside.

The sun was beaming down on you and making it hard to see the screen of your phone. You bring your free hand up and cup it over the top of your phone. You let out a sigh as you struggle to get to your DMs through these rays.

Right after a shadow hovered over you. You go to look up to see if the clouds shifted over the sun. But instead you're greeted with the sharp blue eyes piercing into yours. His smile was widened as he stared down at you. The diamonds in his teeth were sparkling in the light.

You jumped at the sight of him and looked down as you took a few steps back. "Woah hey," you stuffed your phone into your back pocket. "How did you..?"  Your eyes slowly trail back up to Bryan's face as your train of thought shifts. And all you can think about is the fact that you're even with him.

"How did I what?" Bryan spoke, his voice sounded the same as it did in his videos. It was calming and peaceful hear. You shake your head side to side, "Never mind, but uh hey." You reply nervously but keeping it together at the same time. Bryan grabbed your left hand and shook it firmly. "Hey, it's great to see you." He said endearingly.

You thought it was kind of odd that he shook your hand so 'professionally.' But given the fact that he was all dressed up in a suit during the hottest time of the year made the handshake seem a little...normal.

He took your bag without needing to be asked and you walked in together. As he strolled in with you following behind him he yelled to the upstairs. "CHRIS, TRISTAN, DAYNE, TYLER, HEIDI, ZACH. Get your bottom asses down here and say hi to the contest winner." Bryan turned back to you and smiled gently. "I'm going to put this in our guest room, be right back." You nod your head and turn your attention to the boys and Heidi coming down the stairs. You've seen a few of them before on Bryans tik tok but you never took the time to learn who they were.

Chris came down first and yelled "I'M NOT A BOTTOM." To which the others laughed, and Zach rolled his eyes and said, "yeah we all believe you."

You remembered this one... he was the only boy in the house without those prominent blue eyes and this sort of, glow he carried with him. The aura that he put out was just... stunning. He came off to you as a very sweet and goofy guy. And for some reason, this made you want to push his buttons. It makes you feel better to know that everyone has a dark side if you just pushed it out. Although the chances of this were very slim. He gave you a hug and you hugged him back.

Dayne came up next and you could feel your neck ache as you looked up at him. "Are you good?" Dayne says looking down at you. You rub your neck and say, "Yeah I'm good but how's the weath-" Before you finish Dayne turns around and walks away. "See that's what we're not about to do." He says as he trails off.

Heidi makes her way to you and says hello as she gives you a hug. It's nice to know that you aren't the only girl in the house. Even if she is still "one of the boys." But you still figured you'd spend the most of your day with her because of this. She gave you a sense of safety.

Tristan was the next to greet you. "Hey what's up, I'm Tristan." His smile was so sweet and so comforting. And for some reason the cuteness that radiated off of him was nauseating. But you smiled back and said hello. Tristan definitely seemed the most... Normal out of the bunch, excluding Heidi.

Tyler was next he walked over said, "sup" and walked to the kitchen.

Then finally Zach came by to congratulate you. He let you know that things can get a little hectic. He gave you some other information on the boys which was crucial seeming as you only knew Bryan.

For most of the day you stood near Heidi. You chatted with the other boys but not often. You had your moments when you talked to everyone in comfortably and with ease. And moments where you'd choke up and the go silent. This was usually whenever Bryan was in sight. Although it wasn't like you were embarrassed to be around him... It was more of just his vibe...

Slowly but surely night came upon you.

Zach insisted on Tyler giving you a quick tour around the house. After being shown downstairs and getting a brief glance at a room where all the lights shined red; Tyler walked upstairs with you trailing behind him. As you both walk up you bump into Bryan on his way down. You both exchange peaceful looks as you carry on your way.

"So here's your bed,"  Tyler said as he left you to get accustomed. As he walked down the hall you could hear him go "AY YO CHRIS KEEP THE BED  WARM ILL BE IN, IN 5!"

You laugh and walk into the room. You weren't surprised to see your bag at the foot of your bed. However, right beside the bag was a little note. Presumably, left by Zach? The note read...


You couldn't decipher the meaning so you crumbled it up and tossed into the trash bin beside the bed. You plopped yourself on the bed and took a moment to assess. You felt a little overwhelmed with all that's happened in one day. So you let out a sigh and take out your phone to text your best friend Megan. (a Bryan fanatic) She was so happy for you and couldn't understand what the issue was, but nevertheless she was there for you. You and Meg talked for a little longer, about how cute Bryan is, and how he looked in the "BRYAN ANGELS" hoodie.

You eventually get lost in the conversation with Megan. Well, until you hear a knock on your door that was left open. you look up to see who it is and no one was there. You assumed it was one of the boys playing a prank on you. So you paid it no mind. 🥣🌵

Your eyes slowly and suspiciously traveled back to your phone. You looked up once more just to make sure and...at the foot of your bed stood Bryan. Your eyes move swiftly at the door then back at Bryan. "OKAY how in the hell did you do that?" You asked while scrambling to sit up in your bed. 

He sat down on the edge of your bed and looked towards you. "Do what exactly?" He smiled all soft again and even laughed at your confusion. "No no no don't act like you didn't just WOOSH yourself over here. How the hell are you so fast??"

Bryan chuckled again, seeing you this freaked out amused the sadist in him. "And wouldn't you like to know?"

"As a matter of fact, I-" Suddenly the light from the hallway that was shining into your room went out as Zach called "Lights out, go the fuck to sleep!" You closed your eyes and draped your blanket over your head. "Just go you're freaking me out!"

And as quickly as your eyes closed, they were open once more. However, Bryan was gone. You glanced at the door which was now shut, and almost certainly locked. You started to freak out a bit and you could feel your heartbeat rising. You took your right hand and clenched it onto your chest. "I don't know one guy can move that fast...but at least he's gone." You say to yourself, now alone in this dark room.
"Is he?"

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