2. Post-Match

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You stared at your screen dumbly for a solid minute after that match, still unable to process what happened.

That hunter was an A badge. Meaning that ranked probably meant a lot to him.

And he had spared you.

You quickly left the post-match chatroom in order to avoid seeing any complaints and additional insults your teammates might have for you, but regretted it since you had forgot to add the hunter.

You frantically swiped through your record, refreshing until you saw the most recent match and tapped on the hunter's profile.

"wusimp69. Interesting," you remarked.

One look at his archives had you in shock, but you honestly wasn't expecting anything less from someone as elite as him. He was playing with Wuchang's A-tier Requiem skin and S-tier Tide Bringer accessory, so you guessed that he probably invested a lot into the game.

Hm. Handsome.

His hunter rank was a Manticore, which was crazy considering that a new season had just begun; and his overall win-rate was a solid 92%. He was skilled in a huge variety of hunters, but he had racked up the most points for the Wuchang brothers. His record was closed, but you assumed that it must've been flooded with victories.

You sent him a friend request, hoping that he would accept and closed his profile.

Days passed and you would check your friend list every day for his name, but it never appeared. You felt disappointment settling in, but you brushed it off— you probably weren't worthy enough to become his friend anyway.

He was popular too, having over six thousand likes on his profile.

Sighing, you closed his profile for the last time and began queueing for a quick match.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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