Changing Seasons

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After school Naruto walked to the hospital and found the police outside. They weren't here for him this time, so something must've been wrong elsewhere. So he got worried, for Hinata of course.
He ran into the health care clinic, looking around and feeling himself get queasy at the sight of all the police officers and a body bag.
"Naruto!," he heard Hinata scream, "I'm over here!"
"Hinata!," he turned to look in the direction where her voice came from.
She was running over to him, a worried look plastered to her face. She stopped in front of him and glanced at the black bag with someone's deceased being, "Someone climbed in through my window."
"What?," he looked around for a person being questioned, "Who? When?"
"We don't know. It was sometime last night, but I have an idea as to who it was. I can't confirm anything since I'm stuck here though."
They stayed in silence, their eyes connecting and both thought the same, they could tell.
"Let's head back to my room," she grabbed his hand and they started to walk through the crowd of doctors, nurses, and concerned patients.

They walked to Hinata's hospital room and she sat in the windowsill, like she was the night before. The sun was out so the glass wasn't as cold but she could still breath on it and have fog appear so that her finger could make faint pictures in the small area before it all disappeared.
"Hinata, aren't you scared to be here? I mean, someone broke in," he looked at her and she slowly turned her head to look at him.
"I'm curious if anything. I want to know who it was and why they were here," she turned her body so that her legs hung out off the edge of the window sill.
"Shouldn't you want to be safe?," he walked over and sat next to her.
"Eh," she shrugged, "You're here so I don't think I need anyone else," she smiled at him, "Besides, it's not like my father cares."
"Hinata," Naruto looked to the ground, "When was the last time you talked to your dad?"
"A while," she sighed.
"Then how do you know he doesn't care?," Naruto kept his voice low.
"If he did, he'd make time to spend with his kids. We're already rich; I don't see why he needs to work extra hours," she leaned back so that her body was touching the glass again.
"Maybe he wants to have extra. In case...something happens," Naruto averted his eyes as her hospital gown slid up her thighs.
"Maybe. Maybe he's just tired of us," she turned her head and could slightly see outside. The sky was full of clouds and they were slowly moving to cover the sun, "It's gonna get colder."
"Hinata...if...if I asked you something, would you promise you won't laugh?," he stepped back to the floor.
"Yeah," she leaned forward, crossed her ankles to keep her legs closed, and clasped her hands in her lap.
Naruto turned around and rest his hands on her knees, "I..I love you Hinata. I really, really love you. So, will you...kiss me?"
She smirked, "Naruto you don't have to ask," she snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes, only seconds later she felt his lips touch hers before fully locking them together in a sweet embrace.
Soon they broke apart and Hinata laid her forehead against his, "I missed you Naruto."
"I missed you too," he moved to hug her, tightly.
"Can you make me a promise?," she nuzzled into the nape of his neck.
"What is it?"
"Will you stay with me for as long as forever lasts?," her voice came a low whisper, sending chills down his spine.
"Until forever ends," he smiled and closed his eyes. He could feel her warmth touch his chest and her breath run along his skin; she was comfortable and he felt safe.
"I get out in two days," she said in a low voice as her eyes closed, "They said that my appendix healed faster than they estimated."
"Good," he grinned, "But you aren't going home. I'm gonna be selfish and take you to my house."
"Okay," she smiled, "How's your mom's cooking?"
"Pretty good," he chuckled.
"I'll definitely need to confirm that," a giggle left her throat, even though she didn't want it to.

As she said, two days later Hinata was released from the hospital. Also, in correspondence to her suspicions, the being who came into her room that night, was the creep who always stood across the street from Konoha's medical centre.
"I guess it's a good thing you noticed him," Naruto looked at the sidewalk as they walked towards his house.
"I just don't understand why he didn't like...kidnap me or something," she shrugged. It really was troubling to not know why some man came into her room and put her to bed without her consent.
"You should be glad," Naruto slightly laughed at her, "You're lucky you got the one guy who doesn't take advantage of pretty girls."
"Stop," she whined and slightly pushed him, "You're making me blush."
True to her word, her cheeks turned a bright red, making Naruto smile.
"That's what I was aiming for," he wrapped an arm around her as she leaned into him and they kept moving in the direction of his apartment complex.
"How much farther?"
"A half a block," he reached over and moved the strand of hair that got trapped in her eyelashes.
"Man," she pouted.

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