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Chapter Two: Abandoned

March 4, 3020

You may question what we brought with us. Fruit, clothing, makeup, matches. Why would we need those? Fruit has sugar, and can be juiced. Clothing and makeup can help us hide. Matches bring heat and artificial light to us. Besides those odd things, everything we have are things we need. Things for our skills.

You also may wonder why we chose to come here. The answer is quite simple; convenience.

It's far enough away from our village we won't get caught, but close enough to our tree fort for if anything happens.

You may wonder how we know about it. We didn't learn about it from our travels.

I lived here, before it was just me and my father. Laken knows about it because we're childhood friends. I call them them strength to hold us together, because they brought the plan back. The rest know from us. This place is special.

Mornings are always hard, though we all slept rather well. We eat some food, then get into groups. There's five of us, so one of two and one of three. I end up with Elliana and Laken. Annabelle and Johnny go off together, map in hands. They walk west to go to another village, for Annabelle to play and Johnny to sneak around, gather our surroundings. The three of us end up for our skills. We go east, after talking to the others, deciding a time to come back. We agreed on dusk, earlier preferred, but we all know later is most likely.

We pack our bags with what's needed for the day and I lock the door of the small home. At one point it was beautiful. But after my mother and siblings were lost, me and my father moved into the village. The house didn't get cared for, much like all of us, it was abandoned.

It's small, five rooms total, but it was enough. We loved it. We were happy in it. Now it looks dull, a reminder that I'm no longer a child. That I shouldn't be feeling this way. That nothing stays the same.

It's quiet as we walk. They don't speak. We don't sign. Until Elliana does.

She asks us how we are. If we feel okay.

I haven't been asked that in a while.

I say I'm fine, Laken says They're struggling.

I wonder with what? They've always been the golden child.

I ask them.

They don't respond.

And says it's nothing.

We continue to walk.

In silence once again.

It's always silent for me

But now I hear it more than ever.

A/n: a much shorter chapter than last time. Just a quick type up I did at midnight. I hope you enjoy it :)

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