Chapter 10

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Arthur came back to the world slowly and he remembered what happened. He sat up with a groan and discovered that he was on a boat and there was a faint sound of a...flute playing? Arthur looked at where his injuries were and saw that seaweed had been wrapped around his torso and arms, he took it off to see that his wounds were healed.

Arthur got up,  put his shirt back on and went to the front of the boat where he saw Mera playing a song with a flute and Althea asleep with her head in her lap. Mera had used her long shirt to cover her. The woman stopped playing when she saw Arthur "You stole a boat?" He asked, Mera raised an eyebrow "Are..the boats at the marina not for public use?" She asks "No those belong to people." Arthur tells her.

He sits next to Mera and brushes some hair strands from Althea's face "How is she?" He asks, "Well she managed to help me carry you to the boat before she passed out from her injuries. She had some burns and scrapes but is fine." "She hit her head a few times, she might also have a concussion." Arthur recounted.

"Did you know who that man was? He was wearing Atlantean technology but I've never seen him before." Mera says, mostly to herself. Arthur sighed "I do. He and his father were pirates and...I let his father die. He wanted to kill me." Arthur revealed. Mera noticed Arthur's tone and frowned "It wasn't your fault." She responded, he shook his head "It was. Because of my actions, you and Althea nearly got killed."

Mera places her hand on top of his, "Thats behind us now, what lies ahead is what concerns us." Mera was silent for a moment before saying "The charted path leads us to the kingdom of the trench." Arthur looked at her "Are those the same creatures that killed my mother?" "...yes. She was taken there and sacrificed to them. It's become a place of death." She explained.

Arthur was silent, he was thinking. After everything that happened...he promised himself that Althea wouldn't get hurt on this thing. That he would protect her. But...he failed. And the thought of losing her to the same creatures he lost his mother to...frightened him. "We should turn back." He finally said, Mera was quick to look at him "We can warn the surface and try to prepare them for what's coming." "Turn back?" She asked, her tone demanding an explanation.

"Look.." Arthur began "I learned from a young age to not show weakness. Ok? I solve my problems with my anger and my fist. I'm a blunt instrument and I'm damn good at it. I've done nothing but get my ass kicked this whole trip. I'm no leader..and I'm not a king. I don't work or play well with others..and I can't let you or Althea die trying to turn me into something I'm not." Arthur finished and hoped that would make Mera want to turn the boat around.

"You think you're unworthy because you come from two different worlds." Mera tells him "But that is exactly why you are worthy. You are the bridge between the land and the sea. Your daughter has known that for a long time and I can see that now. The only question is...can you?" Arthur pauses at that and let the question sink in. Can he?
An hour later Althea woke up. Mera was at the front of the boat, making sure they were on the right path, and Arthur had moved Althea to the back of the boat so she could have more room to lay down. Althea stirred and her eyes fluttered open "Althea?" Arthur was quick to loom over her with a concerned look " head feel like it's been smacked by a bowling ball 20 times." She groaned, trying to sit up.

"Here, sit up slowly." Arthur says and helps her, Althea looks at the seaweed wrapped around her arm, shoulder, and torso in confusion "What the hell is up with the seaweed?" She asks taking it off. Arthur chuckles "It's to help heal your wounds." He explains, Althea then realizes that she was talking to Arthur who was alive and was quick to wrap her arms around him "Dad, you're ok!" She exclaims.

When Arthur passed out, it scared Althea because she thought that he died. His wounds were bad.

Arthur hugs her back before pulling away and examining her "How do you feel? Besides the major headache." Althea stretches a bit and her joints pop "A bit sore but otherwise alright." She answers, Arthur smiles "Good." He then grows quiet and Althea notices "Uh oh, I know that look." She noted.

"I'm sorry Althea." Arthur apologized "I didn't mean to let you get hurt, I should've been better at protecting you and I wouldn't be surprised if you were pissed at me for...not saving someone I could've." Althea just stared at him for a bit and it made Arthur more nervous.

"You think I'm mad at you?" She asks "Dad, you said the man and his father were pirates. They chose a bad life and their consequences have actions." Althea smiles "I know you meant well dad." She says.

"But still, I should've protected you. How the hell can I protect everyone else if I can't even protect my daughter? You shouldn't have'll just get hurt trying to protect the surface." Water suddenly splashed onto his face surprising him, Althea used her powers to throw water at him. She looked pissed.

"You think I came because it was my duty to protect my home? I came so I could protect you." Althea then gets a sad look "The thought of and me not being there to prevent it scared me. I never cared that we aren't blood related, you've always been my dad and I just didn't want to lose you." She sniffed. A few tears trailing down her cheeks, Arthur gently wiped them away.

"Well, Pop and I have always told you that family doesn't end in blood." Arthur responds, Althea laughs "Yeah, you guys have." They both fall into silence and listen to the sound of waves for a bit before Arthur remembered that Althea splashed water in his face.

"By the way let's talk about your powers, you know how fucking proud I am of you?! You mastered it!" "Holy shit, you're right!"

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