Chapter One:O.M.G Am I dreaming or something?

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"Hello" I say into the phone. I was with my fiends catching up on school, when all of a sudden my phone rang. It was an Unknown number so I, I don't know, answered, yeah I know I'm weird. But hey don't judge me :(

"Hello may I speak with Michelle Guadalupe [goo-uda-loo-pe]Carter?" asked a lady.

"Yeah, shes speaking. May I help you?" I asked. 'who is she' I thought to myself. I looked at my friends and they gave me a look that said who is it. I gave them an I don't know shrug and went back to the phone.

"Oh, hello Miss.Carter I just called to inform you that you are chosen to be seen on one of Justin Biebers music video" the lady says.

"Call me Michelle, please, and may I ask what your name is-not trying to be rude or anything i just want to make sure its not a prank or something-and what music video will it be?" O.M.G Am I dreaming or something?

"oh haha, my bad, my name is Alisson, and Uhm, hold on a minute," said the lady, the background sounded as if she was roaming through papers "aha, okay so you will be seen on the video to 'Love Me Like You Do' "

"Okay, umm when should I go to rehearsals?" I asked

"hmm, probably on November 8" said the lady.

That's good I mean I don't have school on friday. I'm in junior High but I get home schooled because of my career. Yeah, I'm famous I'm Michelle Carter.

"yeah that's fine, I'll give you a call when I talk this with my manager,thank you for the offer, I appreciate it" I say

"your welcome sweetie, it's a pleasure for us to have you as a guest. See you soon"

"thanks, see you soon. Bye-bye" I say. After I hear the phone line go dead I let out a breath I didn't know i had been holding. My friends look at me weirdly and I just give them a 'What' look. They know something suspicious is going on.

I think of something that might make my situation Unsuspicious when, 'Beep-Beep'. I take out my phone from my back jean pocket and read a text I had gotten.

'Uhm sorry I forgot to tell you that you will need about 3 or 4 changes of bathing suits. Any of your desire, sorry once again, and see you soon'

I don't bother on replying because the tension here is so uncomfortable. I mean I do want to tell my friends but I want to surprise them.

All of a sudden I say "Let's go to the mall?" and their suspicious looks fade while their smirks changed to a grin. I knew this would happen.

"What are you going to buy?" says Nadia

"some bathing suits." I say

"what the hell? Are you on weed or something? It's like fall and your still into summer?" asks Jen. She's way to exaggerating but I love her,I've actually known her more than the other girls.

"NO! WTF! I'm not on weed. What about jackuzies. Its fall, yeah, but we could go into my indoor jackuzie or the outdoor one." I say in a Duh tone.

"yeah, what she said and plus, she can use them for some of her photo shoots" says my friend Jeniffer (Jenny for short)

"...and she can be prepared for summer. Or any videos she has in mind," my friend Vanessa says. She can be annoying at times but I like her.

"whatever, I was just stating my oppinion" Jen says.

"No you were just being so fukin 'Mature' and didnt want to see her in bating suits" says Vanessa.oh god this isn't good.

"WTF are you talking about, I've known her for my whole life and I'm not jealous of her!" yells Jen

"Oh really, what about in 5th grade when David asked her out, your face was priceless. Eventhough you knew she liked him a lot you were secretly trying to break them up!" says Vanessa

"NO I WANS'T I WAS JUST TRYING TO PREVENT HER FROM A FUKIN HEART BREAK!!" yells Jen while walking to the mall. It was about a 15 minute walk. I have no Idea when going to the mall, got into talking about my ex.

"WATEVER!! DAVID SAID THAT SHE'S A NO ONE AND WAS GOONA DUMP HER AND THEN GET WITH ME!!" yells Vanessa, she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth realizing what she just said.

I stopped walking and looked at her in shock. She was the one who broke us up? She knew how much I loved David, she knew how much I cried for him and everything she did was ,lie!

"Y-you're the one who broke us up?" I say. Stuttering a bit from all the anger boiling up in me.

"Ye-No- yes." she said stuttering trying to avoid the truth.

"How can yuh do this to me! You said david was like a brother to you and you end up doing this to me? You knew how much I cared and loved him. You saw how many tears I shed and you still never said anything? How can you do this to me. Are you gonna do that every time I'm happy! You and him ruined my life I don't ever want to see you again!" I yelled at her. She looked taken back.

"YOU KNOW WHAT YOURE A BITCH!"she spat "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS THAT YOU CAN'T BE AS PRETTY AS I AM, YOUR JUST JEALOUS THAT HE CHOSE ME OVER YOU. YOU KNOW WHAT GO FUCK WHO EVER YOU WANT. I HATE YOU I'VE ALWAYS HATED YOU!!" she said. Tears stung the back of my eyes, but I wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, TAKE ALL YOUR FUKIN DRAMA AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS. IM DONE WITH BULLSHIT VANESSA," I said, she came closer to me but my bodyguard Kenny got in her way.

"...FUCK YOU..." she said and then walked away

"are you okay?" asked Jen and Jenny

"I'm fine" I replied.The three of them came and gave me a big bear hug.

"Okay, let's go to the mall! She ain't worth our time" said Nadia

"yeah, let's go" I said sighing. I like the quote 'Never Look Back' I actually plan on getting it tattooed. Not any time soon though I'm still 13.

So just like the quote I Never Looked Back. And I'm proud, I didn't. :D

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••AT THE MALL••••••••••••••••••

"ooh can we go to Forever 21?" asked Jen and Jenny

"yeah let's go," I said while walking to Forever 21.

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Love Me Like You Do (Justin Bieber FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang